Month: May 2011

  • Communitarianism on steroids

    Via a Facebook friend, I learned about a shockingly totalitarian idea: adding the psychiatric drug Lithium to the water supply ostensibly to prevent suicide: For decades, it’s been the gold-standard treatment for the most distressing of mental health disorders: mania, schizophrenia, and major depression. But now, lithium – the third element of of the periodic…

  • Israel’s Dilema

    Rep. Eric Cantor had this to say. It is not morally equivalent when the offenses of terrorists are equated with the defenses of Israel. The following story illustrates Israel’s dilemma. A Palestinian woman from Gaza arrives at Soroka Hospital in Beersheba for lifesaving skin treatment for burns over half her body. After the conclusion of…

  • Another day, another moral war

    Steve Chapman looks at the well-organized campaign against McDonald’s by food moralists demanding government crackdowns on foods and restaurants they don’t like. In an all-too-familiar pattern, the food moralists see tastes in food the way the sex moralists see tastes in sex. There are no free choices. Instead, there are mindless victims brainwashed by purveyors…

  • Logistical Failure

    According to Debka – not always the most reliable source – the Palestinians have shot their wad and all they have to show for it is a messy clean up job. Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has run into blank walls in his ploy for using a unity pact between his Fatah and the extremist…

  • In Soviet System, Books End You

    *First, I’ve decided to post under Sarah, for ease of people who know me and this blog.  Second, I’ll continue commenting as accordingtohoyt as I’m normally logged in at my blog of that name.  Now, the post* Michael Levin at Forbes announced the coming end of books (corrected from Mark Levin, which I’d somehow typed because my…

  • Netanyahu Takes Obama’s Cookie

    You can skip strait to the good stuff which begins about 7 minutes in. In related news Palestinian Authority negotiator Saeb Erekat said: If ’67 lines are an illusion, peace is an illusion. I think he got that one right. The Hamas Charter calls for the extermination of the Israeli Jews. To start with. But…

  • Are You On A List?

    A couple of videos about how we are slowly losing our liberties. Except in the past few years the trend has accelerated. The title of this post refers to this video which was suggested by JPFO: The below video was suggested by Eric at Dogs and veterans given equal treatment. Watch the latest video at…

  • Disarming strategy

    Fortunately or unfortunately depending on your POV, I am not advising Barack Obama. But if I was, I would tell him that right now is an excellent time to make good on his campaign threat to invade Pakistan, and simply go in there and take out that dysfunctional country’s nuclear capabilities. If he does nothing,…

  • Dogs and veterans given equal treatment

    While it certainly does not rank with the fatal SWAT Team shooting of a Marine veteran at home with his family, I recently learned about another fatal SWAT Team shooting — not of a human being but of a dog. The video shows a Labrador retriever (named Sheba) doing nothing more than sitting peaceably on…

  • Devil Worship

    I was discussing the drug war as it relates to the Baptist/Bootlegger coalition and made this point: It is supremely ironic how “the truly God fearing” are so susceptible to Devils. All the Government has to do is to make a big enough image of a Devil and the Baptists fall right in line. The…

  • I Heard The Roar

    There was a TORNADO WARNING for Rockford, Illinois that expired a few minutes ago. As I was heading to the basement I stuck my head out the door and heard the roar. It kind of sounded like continuous thunder. Scared the hell out of me. And I don’t scare easy. All has passed now –…

  • Gun Control

    Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in the alley, raped and strangled with her own pantyhose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to the police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound. Inspired by Why The Constitution Matters: Woman Shoots, Kills Would-Be Rapist Cross Posted at Power and Control


    It was hard to ignore the hubbub over yesterday’s Rapture, but the date came and went and I’m still here. Whether that means I was left behind I don’t know, but as I speculated about the possibilities on Facebook, I now feel that I owe the world an explanation. Normally I avoid boring people with…

  • Jews For Sarah

    This has got to be totally ironic – in a very good way. Commenter accordingtohoyt who is our very own Sarah had this to say about the linked article which discusses Obama’s betrayal of the Jews: I’m almost at the point where I can think about this without foaming at the mouth. I can’t even…

  • Megan notes Kevin Drum’s amazing ignorance on tax matters: [Drum]During the 50s, top marginal rates were around 90%, and if high tax rates on the rich harm the economy then the tax rates of the 50s should have literally brought the United States to its knees. But even with heroic efforts, you can’t make the…

  • And I Feel Fine

    I’m not going to talk about the end of the world, except sideways and stiltedly. Of course I don’t expect the world to end today. I don’t expect the world to end ANY day. One day the world will end for me, of course. One day the world will end for each of us. But…

  • Cain And Able

    Three things I love about a Herman Cain candidacy: 1)  Most importantly, he’s someone who could lead blacks away from the welfare state policies that have been so devastating to black communities, and demonstrate that entrepeneurship and personal responsibility are the universal paths to success, not identity politics, statism, and “community organizing.” 2) He instantly…

  • The weak link in the chain

    A tidbit I saw at Cafe Hayek helps answer a couple of vexing questions: Why does the left hammer away so relentlessly at large corporations? And why are the latter so quick to “cave” in response to demands? A major reason is that capitalists don’t like capitalism: Capitalists tend not to like capitalism. Milton Friedman…

  • Obama Burns Israel

    Watch the latest video at Thanks to Hill Buzz for the above video. “All the Jews that voted for Obama need to have their heads examined.” Says Rev. Manning in November 2008. Thanks to Patriot Action Network for that video. Israel is not taking Obama’s Middle East Speech well. When reached via cell phone…

  • Is it too late to stop today’s Hessians?

    The brutal SWAT Team killing of a Marine veteran in Arizona has made me think along some very paranoid (for me, at least) lines. A growing number of ordinary Americans see SWAT Team excesses and the militarization of police as a bad thing, and, if they don’t see it as an argument against the war…