Month: September 2004

  • Jack Hensley beheaded

    Via Wizbang, here’s a Reuters report (note Reuters’ demand that linked stories must refuse to use the word “terrorist”) on the beheading of American Jack Hensley: DUBAI (Reuters) – A militant group headed by al Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has killed a second American captive in Iraq after the lapse of a 24-hour deadline…

  • Hey Bryn Mawr! What say you give me some money?

    Eric H. from the Dave just pointed me to an article in the Bi-Co news that Michael Moore is coming to speak at Bryn Mawr. Moore approached Bryn Mawr for this venture, offering to speak for half of his $40,000 fee. … [H]e felt it was important to speak in Pennsylvania, a swing state. I’m…

  • Who are the victims? And who are the bigots?

    The people at Daily Kos don’t much care for Little Green Footballs: Perhaps one of the most pernicious and evil spots on the Internet these days is Little Green Footballs. LGF used to be a right-wing political blog, but is now simply a dung heap of racist panic, where anti-Arab and anti-Muslim screeds are not…

  • Rather traditional….

    A couple of true [“true blue“?] quotes to start the day…… Let’s start with a modern classic. Here’s Dan Rather defending the “Killian” memos: CBS News also relied on an analysis of the contents of the documents themselves, to determine the content’s authenticity. The new papers are in line with what is known about the…

  • More AP bias in Armstrong Beheading Report

    The AP’s story on the beheading of American engineer Eugene Armstrong contains an odd but familiar line: The 9-minute tape, posted on a Web site used by Islamic militants, showed a man seated on the floor, blindfolded and wearing an orange jumpsuit – similar to the orange uniform worn by prisoners at the U.S. naval…

  • Opening the gate?

    UPDATE: Via Drudge, I see that contacts between Bill Burkett and the Kerry campaign have been confirmed: NEW YORK – At the behest of CBS, an adviser to John Kerry (news – web sites) said he talked to a central figure in the controversy over President Bush (news – web sites)’s National Guard service shortly…

  • the U.N. Population Fund at Work?

    We’ve addressed this before. Of course the following article fails to mention forced abortion, sterilization and infanticide, all of which the U.N. Population Fund blindly supports: Couple Fined $94,000 for One-Child Rule Lapse BEIJING (Reuters) – A court in China’s southern boomtown of Shenzhen has fined a couple 780,000 yuan ($94,250) and sealed off their…

  • Rathergate just gets weirder and weirder

    Our source at CBS has forwarded another screen capture: We would not go to web with this again if we were not confident about it’s accuracy.

  • Eugene Armstrong Beheaded

    Via Wizbang I just learned about this act of savagery. For details see my earlier post. (Or just scroll down.) This one is really disgusting and made me ill to watch. Be careful. UPDATE: Once again, please be careful about watching, but here is the link to the video. Dr. Rusty Shackleford also thinks that…

  • September surprise.

    Despite my despair over mounting incivility, I have a persistent but inexplicable sense of optimism which sometimes surfaces. (Not as often as I might like, but hey, these days even trace amounts will do!) A debate I attended on Saturday night triggered this latent optimism — all the more surprising because I went there fully…

  • Truth is red, Rather is blue….

    I guess this is a big enough occasion, so I thought I’d steal a headline from Drudge…. Literally: The linked article is a New York Times piece — “CBS News Concludes It Was Misled on National Guard Memos, Network Officials Say” — which I’m sure almost everyone has read by now. After days of expressing…

  • Why do they behead us?

    ?The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not ?insurgents? or ?terrorists? or ?The Enemy.? They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow ? and they will win.? — Michael Moore The patriotic Iraqi Minutemen have struck again, and more beheadings are in the works: DUBAI?The Tawhid and Jihad Group…


    My sleep was just destroyed by mindless modern cruelty. The stupid cell phone battery alarm went off — not once but twice! Because I can’t get back to sleep, I Googled the problem, and found that I am not alone: It’s 2 a.m., and I want to tell you why I hate Motorola. I should…

  • the Primetime Emmy awards

    This came as a bit of a surprise. Libertarian Tom Selleck was trying to intro a montage on stars who’ve passed over the past year, but the audience, who obviously didn’t realize he was leading toward a somber note, hailed him with whistles and catcalls. That wasn’t the surprising part. Politics aside, Tom Selleck is…

  • If the truth hadn’t been forged, who would have believed it?

    It’s official now! Via Michael Graham, I see that the terms of the Rathergate debate have been formally redefined. Today that venerable guardian of the word “Gate”, the Washington Post, presents the case that it’s time to lose the forgery debate — fast — and get down to the real issue of the memos’ underlying…

  • Selective reporting by Dan Rather?

    After Dennis’s latest triumph in investigative reporting, I don’t know how I could add anything relating to Rathergate. But I’ve been puzzled over why — if the forged military records did in fact come from Bill Burkett — Dan Rather is so stubbornly intransigent about admitting it, and I found some copies of emails at…

  • Breaking News!

    Classical Values has obtained damning evidence in the Rathergate cover-up, and we ask you Dan, respectfully, to answer the questions it raises: Journalistic ethics protect us from revealing our source, but we believe the screen capture to be at least accurate.

  • “I beseech you in the bowels of christ think it possible you may be mistaken.”

    I’m not one to spoil the end of a good movie, but I had to share this, the last paragraph of Marc Steyn’s column in the Chicago Sun-Times: As for Heyward and Rather, the other day I came across a rare memo from April 20, 1653, typed on a 17th century prototype of the IBM…

  • A key issue?

    Far be it from me to question the timing of Kofi Annan’s latest accusation that the Iraq War is illegal: Key states who joined the US-led invasion of Iraq have rejected claims by the United Nations secretary general that the war was illegal. Kofi Annan told the BBC the decision to take action in Iraq…

  • New face, same storyline!

    Via Clayton Cramer (who paid me a very moving compliment here, for which I truly thank him), I see that they’ve finally located a replacement for Dan Rather. This guy: Clayton Cramer thinks he’s an improvement on Dan Rather. Well, he might be more objective in some ways, but where it comes to the blogosphere,…