Month: September 2004


    There aren’t enough gay gun nuts, either in the world or in the blogosphere. My blogfather, Jeff Soyer, is of course the original GAY GUN NUT, but I suspect there are many more of them out there. Well, now I have discovered two tests which, if taken in conjunction, will greatly boost the ranks of…

  • I love the smell of cocaine in the morning!

    Just before the Rathergate story broke, the groundwork was being laid for the rehabilitation of Bill Burkett: Bottom line: Burkett’s story is largely credible (though obviously not proven); the number of missing documents from Bush’s file is suspicious; and it’s possible that even if some documents were purged from Bush’s paper file in Austin they…

  • Bush Makes Headway on Global Weather Device?

    Eric H. at the Dave has more on questionable questioning of time. The AP is feeding buying into the theory.

  • Is Dan Rather the latest victim of Reichsfuhrer Rove?

    Was Dan Rather snookered by the evil Karl Rove? While taking care to note there’s no proof (lest anyone imagine that she takes these things seriously), Maureen Dowd — in a column titled “Pre-emptive Paranoia” — nonetheless lays out the case for the Rove-as-culprit theory as plausibly as she can: There’s no evidence – it’s…


    The Carnival of the Vanities has just turned TWO! Quite appropriately, the celebration is hosted by Silflay Hraka, who on reflection opines: So here we are, sitting in our pajamas, just one single yard further along than we were yesterday. But if you look back, our starting point has vanished into the distant haze. I…

  • Left behind?

    One of my favorite bloggers, Objectivist Don Watkins (who can hardly be described as an advocate of religion, much less theocracy), links to this WaPo article which sheds some important (often surprising) light on President Bush’s religious views: George W. Bush is among the most openly religious presidents in U.S. history. A daily Bible reader,…

  • The Weekly Idiot Award

    My favorite feature at Classical Values is back with a vengeance. This week’s winner? ‘Trend forecaster’ Merrill Greene: She said the less-bare look may be a response to the world around us. “It’s a way of protecting oneself. We might feel insecure about showing off, of looking too out there and too American,” she said.…

  • Chronicles of Narnia

    Heartbeat is all wrong. His body temperature is…Jim, this man is a Klingon, er, Narn. A Narn? I wonder what Starfleet Command will say about that?

  • First sign — of more to come….

    While running this morning, I saw a Bush-Cheney yard sign displaying telltale evidence that someone (other than the owner) had violently disagreed with it: I was immediately reminded of this post: Many Republicans are afraid to put Bush-Cheney bumper stickers on their cars or signs on their lawns because they are afraid of physical retaliation…

  • Beldar Angry!

    I found this through Instapundit, so half the universe has probably already seen it. Nevertheless, I was impressed with the depth of feeling. Dan Rather and everyone else at CBS News who had direct managerial authority over, and supervisory involvement in, the production of last Wednesday night’s “60 Minutes II” broadcast about the Killian memos…

  • Laziness in the Academy

    On my way to the library this morning I noticed a woman pushing a palm-button to open a door. Now, these are intended to assist the disabled who may not be able to open doors as easily as the rest of us, and I’ve always thought it a sign of extreme laziness when a person…

  • A thaw in the Culture War?

    And now for something more alive than Dan Rather….. Some issues are tough to discuss logically, and anything having to do with the definition of life certainly falls into that category. That is because the definition of life is murky at best. In the case of humans, there are deep divisions — political, religious, and…

  • Rather mortis?

    I saw Glenn Reynolds on Paula Zahn’s show last night, and he opined that Dan Rather has been pretty much blogged to death. He has, and I think he’s now in the category of the walking dead. Still, the damning stories continue to flow, like the lastest ABC reports (another bastion of the vast right…

  • A Brief Focus On Murray

    Abridged excerpts from “A House Divided ” A presentation of The American Enterprise Institute, December 22, 2002 The first speaker is Charles Murray ….The report of the President’s Council on Bioethics is superb. It embodies the kind of reasoned discourse that you wish were used for all public issues and almost never is. Furthermore, Leon…

  • Ahem

    Here at Classical Values, we deeply esteem the art of satire. When one of our witty and well informed readers gently “joshes” us we take it in the fun-loving spirit in which it was given. Dude, the document has been authenticated and the White House has not denied their accuracy. Game Over. Know when you…

  • What about the public’s right to know?

    Rathergate deepens. As darkening clouds gather over CBS, the embattled Dan Rather struggles to cope. Former colleague Bernard Goldberg compares his behavior to that of Richard Nixon: According to Goldberg, if the source ends up having a connection to the Democratic National Committee or to the Kerry campaign, it will be the biggest story of…

  • “I know that this story is true.”

    Considering the trouble Dan Rather is in these days, I knew that sooner or later, a concerned citizen would come to his assistance. While I can’t reveal my sources and thus am unable to reveal how it came into my possession, I decided to share with my readers a scan of a truly remarkable document.…

  • You’ll Get No Argument From Me

    Abridged excerpts from the President’s Council on Bioethics, February 14, 2002 CHAIRMAN KASS…. Gil, would you mind if I imposed on you since you have made — I mean, you have made a very strong argument that would seem to imply that, though, great good can come from the use of embryos to derive cells…

  • Fewer laws, fewer crimes!

    Jeff Soyer, my blogfather at Alphecca, has made the phony “Assault Weapons Ban” the theme of this week’s Weekly Gun Bias Report. I am delighted to see that Jeff will be a guest on Cam Edwards radio show (NRANews tomorrow between 2 and 5 p.m.), and I can’t wait! One of the more astounding abuses…

  • Parasites irritate me!

    I hope my readers will forgive me for a frivolous and much too personal post…. BUT — I have been scratching so much that I have been miserable; too miserable to post anything. And now that I am driven to abject despair, I decided to write a post just to stop my fingers from doing…