New face, same storyline!

Via Clayton Cramer (who paid me a very moving compliment here, for which I truly thank him), I see that they’ve finally located a replacement for Dan Rather.
This guy:

Clayton Cramer thinks he’s an improvement on Dan Rather.
Well, he might be more objective in some ways, but where it comes to the blogosphere, he’s just as mean and vicious as Rather, and I think we can expect more of the same.
Here’s what he said about Glenn Reynolds in his last gig (for Air America):

There is no truth to what the liar Glenn Reynolds said. Not a word! The conservative talk shows – we have slaughtered them all! God will roast the so-called war bloggers in hell at the hands of Air America. War bloggers, prepare to surrender or your computers will be hacked to death!
Be assured. Air America is safe, protected!
Glenn Reynolds the hated Instapundit is not in control, the war bloggers not in control of anything – they don’t even control themselves! We are not afraid of Instapundit or the stupid so-called war bloggers. Allah has condemned them. They are stupid. They are stupid. And they are condemned!
We have destroyed their computers, their modems, their fantasies – We have driven them back.
Glenn Reynolds is all about lies! All he tells is lies, lies and more lies! I have detailed information about the situation…which completely proves that what he alleges are illusions . . . He lies every day.

“More credibility than Dan Rather”? So says Clayton Cramer.
Methinks I must respectfully disagree.
Gunga Dan, Baghdad Bob: a distinction without a difference.
MORE: Also via Clayton Cramer, I see that California has criminalized sexual intercourse with Dan Rather! (Background here.)
Sheesh! Next we’ll be hearing that Lenin’s corpse has rights!






3 responses to “New face, same storyline!”

  1. Michael Williams Avatar

    Thanks for the link!

  2. Eric Scheie Avatar

    You’re entirely welcome! Very funny post!

  3. Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato the Elder) the Lesbian-worshipping gun-loving selfish aesthete Avatar

    That anti-Lawrence & Garner post by Clayton Cramer makes me think of a French joke:
    A man was strolling along a beach on the Riviera when he saw a woman lying there. Looking a little closer, he noticed that she was dead. He went to call for help, but as he was doing so, he saw another man go up to the corpse and start making love to her. That was too much even for this Frenchman.
    “Stop!”, he cried, “Can’t you see she’s dead?!”
    “Oh”, said the other man. “I though she was an American.”