Hey Bryn Mawr! What say you give me some money?

Eric H. from the Dave just pointed me to an article in the Bi-Co news that Michael Moore is coming to speak at Bryn Mawr.

Moore approached Bryn Mawr for this venture, offering to speak for half of his $40,000 fee. … [H]e felt it was important to speak in Pennsylvania, a swing state.

I’m not opposed to Michael Moore speaking. In fact, I think it’s a good thing, because the more he speaks the more people will realize how self-serving he is, not to mention how outlandish and radical his claims.
The fact that he approached the school and offered to speak for $20,000 says it all.
UPDATE: Eric H. at the Dave (as I should have suspected) has posted on the subject too.






One response to “Hey Bryn Mawr! What say you give me some money?”

  1. Eric Scheie Avatar

    I’m all for free speech, even by guys who think Iraqi beheaders like Zarqawi are the equivalent of Ethan Allen or Paul Revere.
    But $20,000 is a might steep. Hardly what I’d call FREE.