News that sucks

Well, it looks like Obama is going to win Michigan, Ohio, and even Florida (which shocks me, as I thought Romney at least had that).

I’d love nothing more than being wrong, but I’d say Obama’s got it.


MORE: The fools on Fox are waxing about the “conservative base.” Spare me!

The “conservative base” is precisely why Romney lost and why the GOP cannot and will not ever win over a majority. They are unpalatable to a majority of Americans, and this simple fact is what keeps the left in power. The problem is, they have enough power to keep the right from ever taking this country back. I am sick of apologizing for them.

MORE: As of 11:30 p.m., Romney is still ahead in the popular vote.

The problem is that densely populated cities trump people living on land in the countryside.

AND MORE: Can we get along?

Seriously, take a look at this midnight Drudgeness:

Can we get any closer than that?






16 responses to “News that sucks”

  1. John S. Avatar
    John S.

    I am just sick.

  2. Eric Avatar

    I’m really worn out and upset, and I am probably overreacting.

  3. SteveBrooklineMA Avatar

    Looks that way to me too. By “conservative base” they mean social conservatives, I suppose. Without them, I think the Republicans have no chance at all. What if Romney was right about the 47%? People were upset at hearing it, but what if he is in fact right? If 47% rely on a government check, doesn’t that spell victory for the party of bigger government checks?

  4. Eric Avatar

    That a New England governor cannot win the Northeast speaks volumes. Back around 2002 I realized there was a problem when I saw elderly conservative Philadelphia women whom I grew up knowing railing against Bush over the abortion issue. That particular problem has gotten far, war worse and RTL now calls the shots in the GOP on the abortion question. This has redefined conservatism and purged many once-conservative people from being in the conservative class. I had to talk fast when I was asked whether it is true that you cannot be a Republican if you aren’t RTL. I am so sick of spouting my usual dishonest slick talk about the big tent having room for everyone, and I never told the guy that I have been grilled on this issue and called on the carpet for not being pure — by people who act like Communists in search of the slightest deviation from party doctrine.

    I’m not pro-abortion. In fact, the idea makes me sick. But because I don’t consider women who have abortions murderers and think states should be allowed to decide for themselves, I’m suspect.

  5. Frank Avatar

    Eric, you have it EXACTLY right about the conservative base and why the Republican Party lost tonight.

    As to what the future holds, we know very well what is in store for us. Only a fool or Sancho Panza would continue such a fight. It is time to say no more, and protect ourselves.

    Glenn Reynolds just posted a comment from someone named Zack White (no relation) that sums up the situation and the course of action he intends to take. As he said, “I didn’t give up on America, America gave up on me.”

  6. Lori Heine Avatar

    Social conservatism is big-government conservatism. Period. The political Right absolutely cannot continue trying to pull in two opposite directions.

    It is time for small-government conservatives (i.e. libertarians) to flush, and flush hard. The GOP will continue to lose unless it stops lying about its ability to hold together a “base” that consists of two opposing factions diametrically opposed to one another.

    The party’s claim that it is a “big tent” is nonsensical. A big tent can no more simultaneously move in two opposing directions than can a small one. That is as physically impossible for an elephant as it is for a gnat.

  7. Simon Avatar

    No matter who wins tonight big government wins. It now looks like the bigger government party beat the big government party.

    OTOH legalization is doing well in Colorado.

    And Eric – check your e-mail. I have some things to discuss with you to take your mind off the election.

  8. TheAJ Avatar

    The problem is that densely populated cities trump people living on land in the countryside.

    Righties have always had difficulty understanding that people, not grass and dirt, vote.

    But then again, these are the same people calling Romney with 300 EV’s and trying to find “Unskewed Polls.” Lol.

  9. MH Avatar

    “They are unpalatable to a majority of Americans…”

    OK, the Democrats did the “vote for us, get free stuff” thing first and aren’t going to quit. Given that nobody wants to be told to eat their vegetables, what’s left for the GOP to offer?

  10. TheAJ Avatar

    LOL. The GOP is the party of “Free stuff” . . . they won seniors 56-44. Which party ran on the platform of no cuts to medicare?

    Obama won young voters – you know, the ones who are going to inherit the Republican/conservative voters’ debt, went for Obama 60-37.

    You’re not one of those guys that thinks food stamps make up 45% of the budget are you? LOL.

  11. Daniel Taylor Avatar
    Daniel Taylor

    There is plenty of room for rational disagreement without accepting that religious laws should be a part of government.

    Losing the theocratically inclined might make the Republican Party much stronger than it is because of that (at the very least making the “small government” plank more believable if they aren’t pushing to legislate morality).

  12. Simon Avatar

    OK, the Democrats did the “vote for us, get free stuff” thing first and aren’t going to quit. Given that nobody wants to be told to eat their vegetables, what’s left for the GOP to offer?

    “We will leave you alone, totally.” has considerable appeal. See Colorado. See Washington State. See Mass.

    And see Eric’s point about the RTLers.

    The Dems’s promise. “We will steal you blind”. The R’s promise “We will hunt you down and treat you like the dogs you are.”

  13. […] and proclaim that they are “the conservative base”), no wonder conservatism is such a hard sell to the undecideds and independents. Print PDF Categories: Uncategorized 0 […]

  14. Dave Avatar

    The Republican Party decided to be the party that believes
    1. A fertilized egg is a human being.
    2. The world is 6000 years old.
    3. The appropriate tax rate is 0.
    4. The appropriate defense budget is infinity.

    Good luck with that.

  15. […] conventional wisdom this time is that the base was energized and did not stay […]