“Prison camp” is so gay!

Michael Savage typifies the sort of “conservatism” that makes me want to vomit, and as I have said a number of times, if Savage is a conservative, then I am not, nor do I ever want to be, a conservative.  (I like to think he isn’t really a conservative, but I guess it’s not up to me to decide these things. I’m a small-l libertarian who has been extremely frustrated lately.) So I try to ignore Savage, and I certainly don’t go out looking for him, but it was hard to ignore the following Drudge headline:

SAVAGE: ‘Our society is being turned into a sort of prison camp’…

My curiosity got the better of me, so I did a stupid thing. I clicked on the link.  Savage was asked “how do you explain that our civil liberties are being voided with barely a whimper of protest?” and here’s his answer:

Savage: To me, it’s got everything to do with the so-called “sexual liberation movement.” You’ll notice that in all of these constrictions — or restrictions — on our freedoms, the tightening noose of Big Brother or Big Sis, there’s no suggestion that there’s any control upon our ability to engage in any type of sexual activity whatsoever whether it be with multiple partners, with animals, even with children. Yes, there are laws but they seem to be looking the other way. What’s happening here is quite obvious to me and has been for many, many decades now — which is that some of our most intelligent citizens, who would otherwise be the strongest civil libertarians, happen to be gay and are obsessed with gay “marriage” and so-called gay rights. As a result, some of these most activist, intelligent people are not there for us and therefore our society is being turned into a sort of prison camp.

Got that? Our society is being turned into a prison camp, and it’s the fault of the gays.

With a guy like that cranking out such gems of conservative thought to millions of daily listeners (who no doubt believe and proclaim that they are “the conservative base”), is it any wonder conservatism is such a hard sell to the undecideds and independents?






2 responses to ““Prison camp” is so gay!”

  1. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    You just discovered this? Michael Sewage is a turd. (True fact – real name Michael Wiener)

    I don’t know what’s worse – he really believes what he says, or it’s just an act for the rubes. Either way, he’s a flushable excrescence.

  2. CRH Avatar

    While I loathe Mr. Savage as all thinking people should, didn’t the blind squirrel just find a nut? GayPatriot, this blog, and others on the right have been drumming the small-l view of social issues for years and years under the exact same reasoning: when the right tells other people there is only ONE TRUE WAY to live life, those people turn away only to find the siren song of Marxist identity politics all too ready to tell them to be loud and proud, oh and vote Democrat by the way.

    I get that the idea that the election was lost because “the gays” is dumb, but the argument that social conservatism turns off people who would otherwise be allies to the cause of liberty is, in my experience, true.