the virtue of shamelessness

Few things better illustrate the perfidy and dishonesty of left wing activists than a stunning example I found at Bob Owens’ blog. A man wearing Nazi garb and spouting Nazi slogans showed up at a Tea Party rally, where he was promptly and angrily confronted, told he was not welcome, and all of this was recorded and posted on YouTube in the following video:

Notice that other Tea Partiers are waving a large sign behind him which mocks the man as an obvious infltrator, and not a real Tea Partier.
Pretty cut and dried, no? Other than commending the Tea Partiers who confronted this asshole agent provocateur, you wouldn’t think there’d be much to say beyond the fact that he was so obviously unwelcome (“Unwelcome” is putting it mildly. That Nazi fool is about as welcome at a Tea Party rally as Fred Phelps would be at a gay funeral.)
Except in the hands of the dishonest activists at Think Progress, the above video provided fodder to make precisely the opposite point! They used only a small segment in which he proudly brags of his racism — and shamelessly placed it in a video purporting to document “Tea Party Racism.” Naturally, any hint of the confrontation and the signs was edited out completely.
I kid you not. These Think Progress activists are the worst sort of crooked hacks imaginable. I agree with Owens’ assessment:

Think Progress misrepresented everything this video and the Tea Party stands for, and against.
If staffers, including editor-in-chief Faiz Shakir should not be terminated for this behavior, I’d like to know why.

I suspect they’ll be promoted for their utter shamelessness. Their job is to crank out videos providing fellow activists not with the truth, but with what they want to hear.
To them, shameless lying in pursuit of their cause is a virtue.






4 responses to “the virtue of shamelessness”

  1. Veeshir Avatar

    The worst part is trying to talk to people who get all their information from lefty sites, they won’t see how much bullshit is involved in that.
    So when you try to talk to them, they “know” the nazi was welcome.
    Poisoning the well is a tried and true tactic by dishonest iceholes, it works because most people don’t pay attention and find it hard to believe that someone would lie that shamelessly.

  2. Eric Scheie Avatar

    I guess they’ve never known real world psychopaths.

  3. Veeshir Avatar

    My brother is a lying thief. He spent his childhood stealing from everyone around him and then looking my mother in the eye and swearing on a stack of Bibles that he had nothing to do with it.
    She bought it every time.
    Look at Clinton, “I didn’t inhale” was the rudest lie I’ve ever heard. It accused me of being stupid by its very utterance, as it assumed I would believe it.
    And it was believed.
    People believe the most blatant lies from people they want to believe and don’t believe the most obvious truth from people they don’t want to believe.

  4. Eric Scheie Avatar

    Ah yes, the old “LOOK ME IN THE EYE” routine. When I first learned about that, I couldn’t believe adults would make it so easy for a scheming kid to avoid trouble.