Month: November 2004

  • Demonstrators should be careful what they wish for….

    Glenn Reynolds has posted some incredibly offensive pictures, while opining in his usual understated manner that the people in them aren’t “laying a good foundation for a Democratic comeback.” I’ll say! Glenn also suggests that “the Democrats are going to have to distance themselves from stuff like this, if they want to carry swing states.”…

  • For the record, I voted FOR Bush, and AGAINST Culture War!

    It’s no longer news that voters in eleven states — Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Utah — voted to pass initiatives to prohibit same sex marriage. As Glenn Reynolds and others make abundantly clear, a lot of pundits are already saying that these ballot initiatives put Bush into…


    Glenn Reynolds said something that’s been on my mind for the past couple of days: [T]o me, the election was about the war. But if victory has a thousand fathers, it also produces a thousand people with their hands out, wanting to share in the spoils. Much is being made of exit poll statistics showing…

  • Eliminating pompous regurgitation!

    The sign of a true pomposity in the making is when a man begins quoting himself. — James Wolcott I had honestly wanted to return to the subject of Arlen Specter, not necessarily as a barometer of the election, but because I think his candidacy reveals much about the way voters think, and the state…

  • Time to party, no matter what your party!

    I have to admire the stamina of anyone who could host a blog festival in the middle of the biggest presidential election I’ve ever seen — so this week my hat’s off to two bloggers who’ve done just that. Neophyte Pundit hosts this week’s Bonfire of the Vanities. And Quibbles and Bits is hosting the…

  • Dear George,

    What was all that about building alliances? The AP says Europe Allies Extend Olive Branch to Bush. The headline forgot the rest of the world, but they’re in there too. UNRELATED: But irksome, and needing to be posted somewhere. Being in a left-leaning area (the academy only agitates things) I’ve overheard a few disturbing things…

  • Kerry outclasses his running mate

    One senior Democrat familiar with the discussions in Boston said Kerry’s running mate, North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, was suggesting that he shouldn’t concede. The official said Edwards, a trial lawyer, wanted to make sure all options were explored and that Democrats pursued them as thoroughly as Republicans would if the positions were reversed. And…

  • European blues?

    Quick thought before I leave. Looking at the red-and-blue election map, one thing stands out: the closer the state to Europe geographically, the closer it is to Europe politically. In general, the Northeast strikes me as closer to Europe and more European (especially in terms of voting) than anywhere else in the United States. Obviously,…

  • It’s over!

    Glad to see (via Fox News) that Kerry has conceded. He did the right thing.

  • Voters speak against ideology?

    I want to return to last night’s thesis that Arlen Specter can be seen as a sort of national barometer. Here are Pennsylvania’s presidential numbers: 9342 of 9425 precincts – 99 percent x- John F. Kerry Dem 2,868,674 – 51 percent George W. Bush (i) Rep 2,746,856 – 49 percent Michael Badnarik Lib 20,902 –…

  • Sneaky, secretive Republicans lied to pollsters!

    A lot of people are lambasting the exit polls for obviously flawed methodology. I just saw Frank Luntz on Fox News, and he explained the problem: people don’t want to tell the truth about how they voted. Instead, they tell the pollsters want they think the pollsters want to hear. They hide, and if confronted,…

  • The lines of battle are long . . .

    Well, as far as I’m concerned, it’s over. Bush won no matter how you look at it. The election, at least. But not the war. I’ve been watching CBS News this morning for indications of how the Democrats are going to fight the war for the hearts and minds of what they see as America’s…

  • A mind-bloggling experience . . .

    I don’t know how many people are still able to read this blog, but I’ve had trouble opening it myself, and it’s at the server level. At InstaPundit, Michael Totten reports a denial of service attack, while the server Hosting Matters (which is my server too) reports that traffic is up “120% of our total…

  • None dare call it fascism!

    I see that the grandson of Vincent Van Gogh has been murdered for making a film critical of the treatment of women under Islam: AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) – A Dutch filmmaker who had received death threats after releasing a movie criticizing the treatment of women under Islam was slain in Amsterdam on Tuesday, police said.…


    UPDATE: Dennis beat me to the punch here, so you can go read his report first! What the hell; I’ll leave what I wrote earlier unedited. Sorry to repeat you, Dennis! (I should read the blog before I post, especially today….) A taste of more to come? Via Drudge, I see that in Philadelphia, you…

  • Democrat Dirty Tricks?

    Drudge currently has this on the front page: Before voting even began in Philadelphia — poll watchers found nearly 2000 votes already planted on machines scattered throughout the city… One incident occurred at the SALVATION ARMY, 2601 N. 11th St., Philadelphia, Pa: Ward 37, division 8… pollwatchers uncovered 4 machines with planted votes; one with…

  • How many votes were “lost in translation”?

    NOTE: This post is hurried, and I apologize for its length. I tried to shorten it by putting the lion’s share of the text below. I hope I’m not alone in my outrage over what appears to gross media censorship of Osama bin Laden’s speech. Here’s the “official” CNN text we were given last week:…

  • War without bloodshed?

    While it was a little anticlimactic after an entire year spent immersed in the election, finally it happened. I voted. I was there when the polls opened. I lined up, went into the booth, closed the curtain, and without anyone watching me, I pushed the buttons of my choices, and then at last, the final…

  • Here’s to the future

    I’ll be getting very little sleep tonight, then driving 40 minutes home to vote when the polls open. Incidentally, I too am voting for President Bush. My endorsement is the bulk of my contributions to this site, though that matters little more than the flood of endorsements floating around the ‘net. What I really wanted…

  • Glaring holes and other nuisances

    More from Thomas Lipscomb in the New York Sun: A former officer in the Navy’s Judge Advocate General Corps Reserve has built a case that Senator Kerry was other than honorably discharged from the Navy by 1975, The New York Sun has learned. The “honorable discharge” on the Kerry Web site appears to be a…