War without bloodshed?

While it was a little anticlimactic after an entire year spent immersed in the election, finally it happened.
I voted.
I was there when the polls opened. I lined up, went into the booth, closed the curtain, and without anyone watching me, I pushed the buttons of my choices, and then at last, the final VOTE button. The descending electronic blip tone sounded, and the screen told me that it — my precious, long awaited vote — was all over.
It just didn’t seem right. A whole year of insane acrimony just so I could anonymously push a button and hear a computer tone?
Surely there has to be more to war than that . . . .






4 responses to “War without bloodshed?”

  1. Dogfo Nam Avatar
    Dogfo Nam

    Here’s what you won’t have to think about after tomorrow (since you have obviuosly forgotten to think about this until now anyway), the war that we were drug into by lies, the very weak job market, the rising health insurance cost, the rising medicine cost, the ridiculus deficit, the underfunded federally mandated No Child Left Behind program, the upcoming need for a military draft, the DEAD AMERICAN SOLDIERS, the future wars that bush will start, the loss of freedoms here at home. This is just a short list dude, but then again any list at all will be overlooked by you and others like you.
    No wait this just in “Kerry in a landslide.” Oh so now you can worry about all this stuff and you can kick Kerry while your at it. Hey bonus time for you.

  2. Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato the Elder) the Lesbian-worshipping man's-man-admiring Zionist fascist Avatar

    Your ballot reminds me of a slot machine. Hope you hit the jackpot. My ballot was more like a Scan-Tron sheet. Hope I didn’t get an “F”, i.e., I hope at least some of my candidates and ballot proposals won. In other words, I hope that at least some of the candidates and ballot proposals I voted against lost.
    I voted for a President whose name begins with “B”, but not Badnarik. And EVIL Dick Cheney, whose daughter is a Lesbian and who ate a pizza pie and made the children cry.
    Four years of Kerry will be four years of more federal spending on “progressive” (permissive, regressive) education (degenerate Deweyism), four years of taxing “the rich”, i.e., the creators of wealth and jobs, four years of compulsory “national service” (involuntary servitude) to indoctrinate the young that they are slaves of the State, four years of Political Correctness, four years of listening to nothing but endless whining about “the poor”, “the weak”, “the oppressed”, ad nauseum, and, most of all, four years of disarmament, appeasement, and surrender to our enemies, both abroad and here at home.
    Better four more years of Bush.

  3. B. Durbin Avatar

    Our precinct was Scantron as well, and the voters themselves fed the ballot into the machine, heard it scan (and made jokes about the “shredder”) and then the “clunk” as the ballot dropped into the box. Which became a “whiff” later in the day as the ballots piled up in the box.
    Mr. Anderson, your tag just keeps getting longer… but where’s the “selfish gun-loving ?sthete”?

  4. B. Durbin Avatar

    ?sthete. Silly me, I picked the wrong diphthong.