A mind-bloggling experience . . .

I don’t know how many people are still able to read this blog, but I’ve had trouble opening it myself, and it’s at the server level.
At InstaPundit, Michael Totten reports a denial of service attack, while the server Hosting Matters (which is my server too) reports that traffic is up “120% of our total bandwidth commitment and have been for a bit now.” (Something which could be caused by a DOS attack.)
Not that there’s anything to report.
Although I agree with Glenn Reynolds about perverse possible outcomes. An electoral victory for Kerry with Bush winning the popular vote would be par for the course in this race.
UPDATE (08:06 p.m.): Arlen Specter (who was more than ten points ahead by all counts) is now neck-in-neck with Joe Hoeffel, and they’re saying it’s “too close to call.” Such a turnaround makes me think that Kerry will win the election, not only in Pennsylvania (which he apparently has), but nationally.
I’m not taking any pledges, either.
UPDATE (09:06 p.m.): Florida (now 54% for Bush) seems to be proving my national prediction wrong. (But hey, I live in Pennsylvania, it it looks bad for Bush here. Specter is being creamed by Hoeffel, and I am shocked. Kerry is winning 72% of PA!)
MORE: Will someone please explain to me what is going on in Pennsylvania? For the past month, it’s been in the 50-50 range, plus or minus a few points. And now (at 9:40 p.m.) yahoo shows a HUGE gap:

1297 of 9425 precincts – 14 percent
John F. Kerry Dem 333,868 – 71 percent
George W. Bush (i) Rep 131,695 – 28 percent

Bizarre! Kerry has a bigger lead here than Democratic stronghold states like New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts…. There has to be an explanation for the sudden shift.
AND MORE (10:55 p.m.): Specter has picked up numbers bigtime:

5729 of 9425 precincts – 61 percent
Joe Hoeffel Dem 1,247,463 – 48 percent
Arlen Specter (i) Rep 1,208,941 – 47 percent

At this rate, Specter might just win — which means I’ll have to reverse my previous prediction — from a Kerry win to a Bush win!

6251 of 9425 precincts – 66 percent
Arlen Specter (i) Rep 1,397,180 – 48 percent
Joe Hoeffel Dem 1,372,707 – 47 percent
James Clymer CST 99,432 – 3 percent

According to the superstitious, augur-driven system of divination in use here at Classical Values, my reading of the entrails is that if Specter wins, Bush will win! If this gets any crazier, I’ll have to actually go out and analyze the entrails of some fresh Pennsylvania roadkill!
MORE GUTS (11:26 p.m.): It’s looking better and better!

6573 of 9425 precincts – 70 percent
Arlen Specter (i) Rep 1,534,469 – 49 percent
Joe Hoeffel Dem 1,451,268 – 46 percent
James Clymer CST 112,280 – 4 percent

What a turnaround! Florida of course follows the Specter lead, and I expect Ohio will too.
MORE (11:51 p.m.): Ohio seems destined to be this election’s Florida, so I think I’m going to attempt sleep. Florida is for Bush. The omens look good.
And here’s the last omen of the evening:

7227 of 9425 precincts – 77 percent
x- Arlen Specter (i) Rep 1,789,000 – 50 percent
Joe Hoeffel Dem 1,631,416 – 45 percent
James Clymer CST 132,390 – 4 percent

(I know people will think I’m crazy, but I’m using Specter as my barometer.)






2 responses to “A mind-bloggling experience . . .”

  1. bink Avatar

    Wow … What an exciting night!
    I don’t think Instapundit is suffering a DOS attack. We’re all just clicking and clicking away frantically at the intranets in the hopes that someone has more recent results than someone else. I think Bush is going to take the election, guaranteeing us all four more years of interesting blogging!
    The last year has really been an amazing experience for me. Our system works and I am truly in awe of it. We are a great country and I think we’ll emerge from our current struggles all the stronger for them.
    But that isn’t to say that there is not a lot of work to do in the mean time …

  2. Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato the Elder) the Lesbian-worshipping man's-man-admiring Zionist fascist Avatar

    I’m with you. I’m for Specter, too. He’s my kind of Republican. I want him to win.
    Boy, this election is a real nail-biter. I _really_ don’t want four years of Kerry. Better four more years of Bush. On the other hand, my brother and most of my family feel the other way, so at least a Kerry victory will make them happy.
    Maybe the Left will quit bitching and whining so damn much if Kerry wins. On the third hand, do I really want to see Michael Moore happy? Or Arafat, Osama bin Laden, Kim Jong Il, Castro, etc.?
    Meanwhile, fucking anti-marriage amendments are on the ballots in 11 states. NO!!!! I most definitely do _not_ want to see Robert Knight, Lou Sheldon, etc., happy either.
    This is a real nail-biter. I’ll see what happens in the morning.