How about a humane alternative?

That last post (and perhaps some of the comments to it), reminded me of a interesting possible new use for a fairly well known product.

A can of this stuff could fairly easily be rigged up between a car’s radiator and grill, and with the trigger linked to an ordinary choke cable (or other similar device), it could be triggered to spray not only bears in the road, but maniacal demonstrators blocking the road. As the latter are violent criminals who, by trapping people in their cars, are committing false imprisonment, and possibly kidnapping, this would seem like a more humane alternative than running them down in self defense.

Spraying them saves lives!

Plus, the life you save could be your own.

Lest anyone think I am advocating cruelty to animals or people,as we all know, a Rat Is a Pig Is a Dog Is a Boy Is a Bear Is a Demonstrator.







8 responses to “How about a humane alternative?”

  1. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Alternately, you could just hang your arm out the window and spray (if you have someone riding shotgun, they could do the same on the other side).

    Good thought. But I do think the gent waving the gun driving through a riot zone got it more right….

  2. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    P.S. I’m only humane when faced with those who are also humane.

  3. Eric Scheie Avatar

    The product manufacturers warn you that it can easily waft back and hit you in the face, so it would not be a good idea to spray this stuff while the car is in motion (unless you first don a gas mask). Nor would it be a good idea to have any windows or vents open, lest it be sucked inside the car.

  4. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Nothing humane about being dragged out of a vehicle and beaten to death with blunt objects. I’m with Glenn Reynolds on this.

    The way to strongly discourage disruptive behavior like blocking roads, beating drivers is to make it expensive. Expensive in the sense that engaging in this activity is very likely to lead to possibly being run over, pepper gassed, shot, or arrested or some combination thereof.

    How about a hood mounted flame thrower for variety? Folded CO2 laser[1]. Claymore mines. Remote control shotgun tubes. Microwave pain rays. Subsonic fear projectors. Or charge the vehicle to 50,000 volts and shock the socks off anyone who touches it. Any means necessary.

    [1] And a tip of the Hatloe hat to Harlan Ellison for that idea. “Along the Scenic Route”

  5. lynndh Avatar

    Unfortunately, I would imagine that it is illegal to spray them with the spray. Some state even ban civilians having pepper spray.

  6. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley


    Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

  7. Eric Scheie Avatar

    There is the presumption of innocence, with the state having to prove each and every element of its case beyond any reasonable doubt. Think about the massive proof problems entailed by a hypothetical case in which person A claims that pepper spray seems to have emanated from a car which was then driven away by person B. Where is the evidence? How would it be obtained?