Ron Paul A Threat To Romney According To Government Agents

Well this is totally weird.

According to Lew Rockwell, Paul’s former chief of staff, agents first questioned the pilot’s credentials, then insisted the passengers and plane be searched for explosives. TSA agents did not cite any specific threat, but insinuated the Paul family was a threat to Mitt Romney, claiming the nominee “might be nearby.”

Well it could happen. Especially if Jewish space aliens controlled by the Pope get the upper hand.






5 responses to “Ron Paul A Threat To Romney According To Government Agents”

  1. Eric Scheie Avatar

    Can you prove that Ron Paul is NOT a Jewish space alien controlled by the Pope?

    Huh? Huh?

  2. Simon Avatar

    His act about being Jew unfriendly is a perfect disguise.

  3. chocolatier Avatar

    Should Americans who are worried about Earth being taken over by Jewish space aliens under the control of the Pope vote for Romney or Obama? Neither of them is talking about this issue. Romney says that Obama has ‘thrown Israel under the bus’, but is that bus full of Jewish space reptiles?

  4. Scott M Avatar
    Scott M

    IF you could prove Ron Paul wasn’t a Jewish space alien it’s because you are part of The Conspiracy Jewish space aliens. Duh!

    Besides, everybody knows the story about Jewish space aliens is just to distract you from the real conspiracy of BurgerBilders.

  5. Chris Martel Avatar
    Chris Martel

    TSA=end of American freedoms!