The constantly-evolving, living, breathing definition of fascism

Even though my posts have slowed to barely a trickle, as most readers know, I’m no fan of Trump.

Nor is Reason‘s Nick Gillespie, whose latest piece totally cracked me up:

Donald Trump, the most-unlikely and least-liked president in the history of the United States, had barely celebrated his first 100 days when calls for his impeachment started flying faster than Anthony Weiner dick pics at a Girl Scout cookout. For the good of democracy, don’t you see, the Republicans must not only be kicked to the curb in the 2018 midterms, but the president himself must be thrown into the street, just like he once tried to evict that old lady from her house in Atlantic City!

Read it all, as it’s as insightful as it is hilarious.

Inept and politically stupid as Trump’s firing of FBI Director Comey was, the ludicrous way the left is overreacting all but outdoes him, and once again plays right into Trump’s hands. That as president Trump had every right to fire Comey is beyond dispute, yet we are being told that it means the end of “everything we hold dear.” As Dan Rather continues to note on Facebook, not only is the Comey firing comparable to Watergate, it’s even like World War II, the Kennedy assassination, and 9/11:

I find myself returning in my mind to dark days from the past, trying to remember how we as a nation felt, when Pearl Harbor was attacked, when Kennedy was shot, when Watergate took down a President, when terrorists rained terror from the skies. We somehow overcame. And I do believe that we shall overcome, someday. Perhaps, hopefully, someday soon.

But in the end, prayer will not be enough. Action, sustained action, will be required.

Yow! Whoda thunk it?

Another noted leftist scholar sees the Comey firing as a form of deadly fascism:

The firing of Comey is an audacious turn toward fascism that must be stopped before it’s too late. We are now fighting for our lives as we know them. There’s no time to waste.

Really? Because Comey’s gone we’re now fighting for our lives? Especially considering that I’m a veteran of the AIDS era, perhaps I should be paying more attention.

Being an old geezer at 62, I am old enough to remember a thing called Bush Fascism. In fact, I remember writing several posts on the subject. Naturally, Bush was supposed to be canceling the elections imposing martial law, scrapping the Constitution, and all the rest of it.

But the firing of an FBI Director?

As fascism definitions go, it’s a brand new one.

And just think about this one. Not long ago, President Obama was being urged to fire Comey, but he failed to do so.

I guess we had a close call. At the time (2016) no one realized how close we came to fascism. Nor did they realize how by the simple act of leaving Comey in office, Obama saved the Republic.






10 responses to “The constantly-evolving, living, breathing definition of fascism”

  1. Bram Avatar

    Communists have always been keen to define fascism as their evil opposite. The truth is that the original fascists were their ideological siblings.

    Fascism is simply national socialism – as opposed to the international form most western leaders buy into these days.

  2. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Anything to the right of Josef Stalin is fascist.

  3. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley


    Yeah – and anything to the left of Ronald Reagan is communist.

    Neither is true.

  4. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    If you are awake and reading, you might want to commenthere.

    It’s still going strong, on both sides of the fence.

  5. Bilwick Avatar

    I always enjoy when Lefties exhort us to fight fascism, while pushing to give the State more power. That’s how you fight fascism on Bizarro Planet.

  6. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Anarchists on welfare

  7. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    I doubt one in a thousand of the people bandying the word about to give a functional definition of the Italian fascist system. Or Nazism. Other than it that it’s something bad. Ooooh, icky. Get it off of me…

    Watch as the rise of anti semitism makes them painfully reexamine Hitler, or just plain shut up about it.

  8. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Just watched some more Demoncraps bloviating about “Russian Contacts”. Eating an effing plate of blini at The Russian Tea Room and it’s a “contact”.

    Meanwhile the Repugnicans have their head so far up their ass they can see daylight.

    A good part of Trumps appeal is he doesn’t take shit ling down, and he goes on the attack. You’d think these losers would learn something from that.

  9. Bilwick Avatar

    I always enjoy it when “the Resistance” talks about fighting fascism, then recommends increasing the power of the State. That’s how you fight fascism on the Bizarro Planet.