Liberal And Conservative

Hardware guys (electronic and other) are conservative
Software guys are liberal

The reason? Software doesn’t have to conform to reality.






7 responses to “Liberal And Conservative”

  1. Randy Avatar


    Simon will be here all week. Be sure to tip your waiters and bartenders. Good night and drive safely.

  2. tkdkerry Avatar

    Strangely enough, my corporate experience was pretty much the opposite.

  3. Randy Avatar

    Start wearing safety goggles everyone. Bubbles are bursting everywhere. You don’t want to get soap in your eyes.

  4. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Hmm – I didn’t note anything of the sort when I worked at GE – OPS % was 50/25/25 liberal/conservative/libertarian, software was about 80% conservative (but, then half of them were from India and tended to be conservative by our standards – still left 30% conservative Americans) – engineers tended to either libertarian or liberal.

  5. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    One Toke Over the Line

    Bennies – mentions Spiro T Agnew. LOL

    OT – Just for fun – I couldn’t find any better place to put this.

    But – on marijuana – WE won.

  6. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Most of the baby boomers are on your side. For marijuana.

    Keep in mind that we also grew up with this

    Small steps. Two steps forward, one step back. Keep moving.

  7. Randy Avatar

    Correctomundo, Kathy.

    Trump stated it’s a state issue. Grass has caught fire in the mind of the electorate. Inhale the skunky smell of freedom in the air.

    I would not be surprised if Trump speaks out in favor of cannabis reform. Republicans aren’t going to stand in the way. And should the GOP advance the cause, the it will reap a huge political windfall.