Students With Chalk

Students with chalk are destroying college campuses by chalking Trump 2016 on sidewalks. Legal Insurrection has this story on the happenings: #TheChalkening – Students for Trump troll campuses.

Thanks in large part to the Emory University students who pathetically panicked after seeing pro-Trump messages written in chalk on campus sidewalks, pro-Trump messages are now appearing on other college campuses.

The whole thing is going viral on Twitter under the hashtag #TheChalkening.

Naturally there is a Wikipedia entry, Chalkening. Here is an atypical example:
My tongue in cheek post, Trump The Counter Culture Candidate, may not be so ironic after all.

Here is a good one:
chalk in the morning






5 responses to “Students With Chalk”

  1. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    I think this is more anti-SWJ than pro-Trump. Glad to see that not all the students out there are delicate little snowflakes.

  2. Simon Avatar



  3. […] He makes a good point at about 13+ minutes in. “The tyranny of emotions leads to the tyranny of the State.” Thus we have arrived at the tyranny of the SJWs who are terrified of chalk. […]

  4. Simon Avatar


    I look forward to “T. Jefferson – Barbary Pirates”.

    Nothing like history to offend people.