Only so much time

This blog has been getting slow and buggy in recent days, and I am trying to figure out why. In addition, we are getting a HUGE amount of comment spam, which is abnormal, and is causing some favorite commenters to be blocked. I am sorry for this, and I am trying to solve the problem.

The past week has been a crash course in learning Arduino technology, especially its related offshoot, the Melzi (which I got working in both Windows and in Linux). And earlier today I built a Hackintosh and got it working. Not an easy task. Here’s a shot of the screen:

So… you’d think I ought to be able to figure out what is going on with the blog, but the Internet is complicated in ways beyond my control.

MORE: Here’s an actual screenshot of the updated version (Mavericks), examining my earlier photograph version.

Screen Shot 2014-02-26 at 8.59.58 PMThe result is a hall of mirrors.







6 responses to “Only so much time”

  1. Captain Ned Avatar
    Captain Ned

    It’s time to retire the CRT and get a flat-panel display.

  2. Eric Scheie Avatar

    That’s a photo. It IS a flat screen monitor. I shit-canned the crts long ago.

  3. Captain Ned Avatar
    Captain Ned

    Oops. Saw the curves in the image and assumed CRT.

  4. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Sounds like a fun project. How about some details about how you did it?

  5. […] I am writing my first blog post in my Hackintosh computer, which was kind of a bitch to put together. But for the resources discussed in places like these (which made me think it would […]

  6. […] a comment, Gringo asked me whether I built the “Hackintosh” over concerns about the demise of […]