
Randy made a comment that I think deserves a lot more eyeballs. It is nothing different from what Eric or myself have been saying about the Drug War. But Randy was en fuegpo with this one.


And I would imagine that several highly placed DEA functionaries opened up some off shore bank accounts which have since received some rather large deposits. The drug war means big money, for the cartels and for the enforcers. DEA agents are paid quite well, as are prosecutors and judges. And many DEA agents and police officers supplement their incomes by skimming money taken in during drug busts. And then there is good, old fashioned corruption, where agents of the state are bribed directly.

Drug warrior Kevin Sabet, in his ceaseless efforts to stymie reform, is trying to frighten Americans by claiming that MJ legalization will lead to Big Marijuana, an industry reliant on creating addicts. It doesn’t seem to bother Sabet that the justice/prison industrial complex is addicted to drug prohibition in order to maintain its much expanded bureaucracy. The WOD has led to increases in the number prisons built and operated at the state and federal levels and all sorts of other expenditures. The short of it is that a lot of government jobs are dependent on drug buyers and sellers being arrested and sent through the meat grinder we call our justice system.

The drug war is a total failure and it lives only because there is so much profit in it for the cartels and so many jobs from it for the bureaucrats. Sickening.






5 responses to “Sickening”

  1. Simon Avatar


    The way to stifle Big Marijuana is to allow unlimited homegrown.

  2. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    “We’ll lose our phony baloney jobs”

    The only way to permanently be rid of the nomenklatura and chekist thugs of the WOD is to pay them off. $$$ for life, just give it up and go away.

  3. Frank Avatar

    pay them off

    There is another way…

  4. bob sykes Avatar
    bob sykes

    Anyone who has grown up in a big city knows that all the vice crimes are done pretty much in public, although they are not advertised. Anyone interested can find a bookie or a whore or a drug dealer (sometimes the same guy) or for that matter an automatic weapon (but that’s harder). The cops, prosecutors and judges have pretty good idea who all the bad guys are, even the capos. So the trade continues on official sufferance. It is absolutely certain many of the officials are on the pad. You need not buy everyone, and not everyone is expensive, but a few key people must be bought.

    The bought officials cover their asses by occasionally harassing some low lifes, putting them in jail. That’s just part of the cost of doing business.

    How high this goes on the federal side is speculative, but it might reach the Attorney General of the US, Eric Holder or higher. It is guaranteed that some high officials in the DOJ are bought.

    You should also consider members of Congress. You need some of them to control the legislation. It is truly astounding how many politicians go to Washington as middle class attorneys and retire from politics years later as multimillionaires. The Clintons are the best current example, and soon the Obamas will be. The Bushes and Kennedys got theirs in other ways prior to election.

  5. Simon Avatar

    “The Latin American drug cartels have stretched their tentacles much deeper into our lives than most people believe. It’s possible they are calling the shots at all levels of government.”
    – William Colby, former CIA Director, 1995