Abortion Prohibition

The Republicans have made abortion central to their political identity. It is a vote loser. They are also deeply into Drug Prohibition – another loser.

Abortion Prohibition will work no better than Drug Prohibition.

In addition – depending on how abortion is defined a number of contraceptive practices may be banned as well.

Why not handle the whole thing in the private sector? The Republicans are just as much a big government party as the Democrats. And just as delusional. Just about different things.

The central illusion is that passing laws creates control. But what have we learned from the passing of the Communist countries (well the big ones)? That control is an illusion. Read F. A. Hayek’s Nobel lecture, The Pretense of Knowledge, if you want to know why.






16 responses to “Abortion Prohibition”

  1. Zimriel Avatar

    Simon, you have lost perspective.

    Seriously. The Republicans are not anywhere near as statist as the Democrats. You are comparing men like Akin – repudiated by all the Republicans except Huckabee by the way – to the men whom the Republicans actually nominate, men like Bush and McCain and Romney.

    This is not 2003 anymore – and you are thinking it is 1953. How many times do I have to keep saying this?

  2. Simon Avatar

    Elections are marketing campaigns. The Republicans do a lousy job of marketing.

    Given the way Rs go on about abortion I thought Aikin and that other fool were representative of the Party. And I’m not exactly a low information voter.

    I was unaware of the repudiation of Aikin by the Party.

    And “not as bad” is hardly a sterling recommendation.

  3. gottarideduc Avatar

    I have no idea where you get the information that abortion is central to the GOP. Repubs wanting to ban contraception is just simply not true. You are a wrong info voter. The GOP reaction dumping Aikin was well publicized. Except on the MSM since they only publish what helps the Dems and ignore or lie about the rest. It was the Dems that kept bringing up abortion. Part of their propaganda campaign. They make Goebbels proud.
    As for getting rid of drug prohibition you keep harping on, keep trying, I’m with you. But stop claiming that it’s all about conservative prohibition, it’s about the enforcement apparatus. You think Dems want to alienate them? They’ll kill grandma and then count her vote. Who’s been in control, Dems or Repubs? You think the Feds will suddenly honor legalization referendums? Have you heard howls from the media when they don’t? Republicans would, they honor the rule of law!

  4. Simon Avatar


    The Republicans have a marketing problem:


    If abortion is not central to the Republican Party why is it in their platform? Why aren’t they front and center on private sector solutions.

    Why was Alan Keyes run against Obama in 2004 instead of the runner up Oberweiss?

    People keep telling me it is not central. OK. So why didn’t Romney when asked say it should be handled in the private sector?

    I discuss all that at:


  5. lelnet Avatar

    Well, the ultimate private-sector solution for other crimes of violence (well-armed victims) probably isn’t too practical, when the victims are unborn babies.

  6. Choey Avatar

    Do you think that if the Repubs suddenly became pro-abortion that the majority of single women would suddenly start voting Republican? I certainly don’t.

  7. gottarideduc Avatar

    Give me break Simon. I want to be left alone as much as you do, but abortion as a private sector problem??

    This is not about legal or prohibited abortion. It is about public funding and social policy. The Dems have cynically hijacked the issue to gain votes. They don’t give a damn about anyone’s life, viz. Fast & Furious, Katrina, Sandy, Benghazi and more.
    Let me explain. Liberals coach the issue as a woman’s absolute right to her body, resulting in abortion as birth control, resulting in reduced respect for life and yet another area of absolution from personal responsibility. You as a libertarian ought to have reservations about that. Do you think this is sound policy??
    Further, by treating the other half of the creation, the father, as having no rights to his unborn child, yet enforcing his material responsibility once born, what do you think the result is going to be? Well, it is not going to be more personal responsibility, that’s for sure.
    Then, when Republicans point this out, they’re not even debated, but they are regularly misquoted, painted as heartless, taking rights away or whatever. Yeah, I hear you, it’s all about marketing, even questions of life and death. Good Grief!! I repeat, Liberals support this to get votes, not to protect life. Get a grip. Liberals are what’s threatening your liberties, not conservatives.

  8. Simon Avatar

    “The Dems have cynically hijacked the issue to gain votes.”

    And your point is?

    It is the environment we live in. People don’t trust government. Good. The Rs like the Drug War and the people fear a Drug War applied to sex.


    The Rs have cynically hijacked the issue to gain votes.

    The problem for the Rs is that the Ds gain more votes. i.e. The Rs are stuck with the short end of the stick.

    I’d suggest the Rs bury the stick. But they can’t do that. It would appear cynical.

    Morals is a very stupid way to constitute a political party. Republicans are not going to believe this but morals change over time.

    Take Drugs. Before 1914 opium, heroin, cocaine, and pot were all legal with no Federal restrictions. After 1914 the restrictions began. Even including alcohol for a while. Alcohol is now only moderately restricted and pot restrictions are on the way out.

    There are a few eternal verities. But they are few. Legitimate rape for one.

  9. Simon Avatar

    “suddenly vote Republican?”

    Of course not. The Republicans have branded themselves. It will take 40 years or some extreme moves for that to wear off.


    My advice to men given the current situation: stay away from women. Which is pretty much what is happening.

  10. Simon Avatar


    Well you see not everyone considers unborn babies victims.

    But rational thinking on the subject is difficult and rare. And not everyone subscribes to the Catholic Church position.

    For Orthodox Jews in some cases abortion is MANDATORY. How will your laws deal with that? And those cases? When the mental health of the mother is at stake. According to Catholics a frivolous reason. And yes. More than a few Protestants subscribe to the Catholic position.

    Republicans should stay out of the quagmire and focus on economics. A difficult enough proposition as it is.

  11. gottarideduc Avatar

    Yeah, and when they focus on the economy, the Dems promptly fire up the propaganda machine and start talking about abortion.
    Man oh man, head firmly up the behind to prevent enlightenment.

  12. Simon Avatar


    And the stupid Rs who could just say “it is not a Federal issue – the Constitution provides no Federal authority for the matter” take the bait.

  13. Simon Avatar

    Or the Rs could also say: “I don’t believe the government should get involved at any level.”

  14. Simon Avatar

    You know. “The small government Party.”

  15. gottarideduc Avatar

    No government involvement at all? Really?

    Libertarianism ad absurdum.

  16. Simon Avatar


    And winning elections (according to Republicans) is a stupid idea. Especially if you have to adjust your policies to attract voters.

    But I get it. When you say that “the Republican Party is the Party of Small Government”, you lie.

    We really have two Progressive parties.