Muslims Stone Christians In Dearborn Michigan

Loved the “Witz Blitzer” reference.

Video of the altercation. Note the police officer concerned about a megaphone while objects are being hurled.

H/T Libertarian Republican






2 responses to “Muslims Stone Christians In Dearborn Michigan”

  1. DG Avatar


    OK – the guys were deliberately going somewhere they knew they weren’t welcome.

    That said, they were simply, QUIETLY walking along with signs, and all anyone had to do was ignore them.

    Instead, they get water bottles, and later heavier objects thrown at them, by an obviously irate mob.

    And the cops get on the mobs side – “it’s your fault they’re attacking you”

  2. Eric Avatar

    Scary. People have no respect for the First Amendment. When the Nazis marched in Skokie, the ACLU defended them. The police reaction in Dearborn is the typical blame the victim mentality. A lot of people would see the activists as “starting it” yet Christians at a rally would never have behaved this way to Muslim proselytizers.

    The word “savage” comes to mind.