I Have Found A Candidate

As many of you know I have been attracted to the Gary Johnson for President Campaign. Unfortunately he has dropped out of the race (supposedly it will be official on the 28th). Which is why I look forward to voting for him. Confused? I have an explanation.

Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson told supporters he will seek the Libertarian Party presidential nomination, a campaign source confirmed to CNN on Tuesday.

Unless Ron Paul is the Republican standard bearer, I can’t see voting for ANY of the mopes currently in the race. I don’t think I will be voting for another “big government is better government” politician for a while.






11 responses to “I Have Found A Candidate”

  1. Frank Avatar

    I keep hoping Palin will enter at the last minute and wipe the floor with this bunch of nincompoops. It’s probably too late for that.

    Looking ahead the political picture looks dismal. If Obama faces off next year against any of the current wannabes, he will likely win, and definitely if he talks Hillary into the VP slot as has been rumored.

    Gary Johnson? Why not. A clear conscience rather than compromise principle. Guess I will too.

  2. John S. Avatar
    John S.

    Then I hope you enjoy your four more years of Obama.

    The perfect is the enemy of the good (or the “good enough”). As Bill Whittle has said numerous times, “Victory is a ratchet.” Even if we only move one notch in the right direction.

  3. Simon Avatar

    John S.,

    We are going to get 4 more years of Obama no matter who wins – given the current field.

    I can’t for the life of me figure out the difference between Obama and Bush – other than matters of rhetoric and style.

    Just to give you a little feel for my position let us take Health Care.

    Bush – got the Feds more entangled
    Obama – got the Feds more entangled

    Bush was relatively slower. No difference in direction

    Or Drug Prohibition – no difference.


    I’m with Frank – Palin would get my vote – other wise I’ll take the quick death from the Democrats. It will clear the air.

  4. Frank Avatar

    John S., my vote in California doesn’t matter. There are at least a dozen illegals with fake IDs who will cancel me out anyway.

  5. Bram Avatar

    Is he going to continue running the same half-assed campaign that nobody has noticed for months?

    I was hoping that Johnson and Paul would pull the Republican Party towards Libertarianism – instead of acting like cranks then moping off when they didn’t win. You know, give the Republicans a reason to embrace and trust them. Maybe next time.

  6. Frank Avatar

    …half-assed campaign…

    You’ve got that right. I suggested months ago if Johnson was serious he should find a symbol like the Gibson Guitar factory crackdown and organize a protest. But he also needs some media savvy, someone like Andrew Breitbart, and money. He needed to bypass the debates on purpose instead of letting them shun him. Do the campaign on his terms like Palin would.

    As to Paul, no matter how principled, he’s still an old crank. For instance, if he had any sense when he did that great interview on Jay Leno http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulSOw3Ei4c0 at 2 minutes in when asked about Israel he should have said that while he is for ending all foreign aid including Israel, nevertheless it has a special relationship with this country, and that hell would freeze over before he would let them down as president. In fact his extreme isolationist tack is the main reason he won’t win. It goes beyond naivete. It’s just plain stupid.

  7. Frank Avatar

    This is why Ron Paul won’t win.


    Hundreds of Christians carry oil on a 12 mile relay to light the first candle on the menorah.

    Happy Hanukkah, M. Simon.

  8. Simon Avatar


    The Socialism lite party will never trust the Libertarians.

    Frank is correct about Ron Paul. But I LOVE the fact that he is leading in Iowa.

  9. John S. Avatar
    John S.

    Simon, I agree that none of the current candidates are ideal, or even desirable (I certainly am not excited to vote for any of them). However, to say that they will be the same as Obama is to willfully ignore reality. Even the worst Republican candidate would be leaps and bounds beyond Obama on the economy. Some of them would actually reverse the direction of the blob-like regulatory overreach of the Federal government.

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… Bill Whittle was right when he said “Victory is a ratchet.” We can’t get to where we want to be unless we first stop the downhill slide. Even slowing our downhill momentum is an improvement… but then it’s up to us to keep the politicians’ feet to the fire, so that we DO actually stop the slide, then begin to inch our way back upwards.

  10. Eric Avatar

    Happy Hanukkah. I love Gary Johnson and I gave to his campaign, but I’m still planning to hold my nose and vote Republican.

  11. Simon Avatar

    John S.,

    I keep hearing “vote Republican and stop or at least slow the slide”.

    All I see to the Left of me and to the Right of me is acceleration. Now each side accelerates different things but I have yet to see any actual resistance.

    Look at the recent budget/payroll tax bungle. I voted mainly Republican for the last 8 or 10 years and exclusively Republican for the last 4. And what do I have to show for it? Republicans who bend over but cavil: “please use the grease – you promised”. How utterly charming. And predictable.

    And if the Republicans get in I predict disaster. Not the same one the Ds will provide but equally dangerous. Maybe we will go to war with Mexico to stop drugs and illegals. They will gin up something.

    My attitude these days: “I have been navigating between the ruins all my life. This will be just another”.

    It is not that the people don’t want to save the country. It is that the politicians don’t. I’m out of the game.

    I prefer to play where I can make a difference:
