In search of the real Rick Perry

I don’t especially like Rick Perry. (So far, at least.) My main objection to him politically is grounded in his longstanding support for sodomy laws, something I find annoying in this day and age. It is one thing to oppose gay marriage, but to support imprisoning adults for consenting sexual activity with other adults strikes me as bigotry against those people by definition. In fairness, I don’t know whether the man still supports sodomy laws (despite claims that he does, his statements are nearly a decade old), but I wish some intrepid reporter would pin him down as I think it’s a fair question. In that respect, I was hardly reassured by his appearance as the main act at a huge AFA prayer event, because the AFA not only supports re-criminalizing “sodomy,” but believes the First Amendment only applies to Christians. If such positions do not constitute bigotry, then what does?

So Perry as a candidate worries me. I would also like to know whether he supports the war on drugs and I can’t seem to pin that down. He voices support for the Tenth Amendment, and although his sincerity in that regard has been questioned because of his finger-to-the-wind waffling, I cannot find any statement from him on federal preemption of state drug laws, especially marijuana legalization. Jacob Sullum wonders whether medical marijuana will be the next exception to Perry’s federalism.

(While it’s really a subject for a different post, I think it’s worth noting here that in practice, drug laws are in many ways worse than sodomy laws. That’s because while both imprison people for victimless crimes of a consenting nature, as a practical manner the sodomy laws were never enforced with anywhere near the savage ferocity of the drug laws. We never had a “War on Sodomy,” nor SWAT team raids, nor were millions of Americans imprisoned for sodomy. By any standard, the degree of tyranny and oppression visited on American drug offenders far surpasses the treatment of Americans convicted of sodomy. In terms of election perspective, the war on drugs is a much, much more important issue than sodomy laws, as the former is a pressing national issue while the latter is dead — except to a fanatic cabal of true believers who write GOP platforms which make Republicans like Rick Perry look like loons.)

Assuming he doesn’t waffle on them, I do like Perry’s economic positions, though. He seems about as pro-free market as it is possible to get and still be within striking distance of the White House, and I hope he can be trusted to remain that way.

A number of critics on the right are concerned about his background as a Democrat. Among conservatives, a question being asked is “Did Perry vote for Reagan?

Why not just admit to having been a loyal Democrat in those years? Might help win over the swing voters.  In his announcement speech, he invoked Reagan, but made no mention of his political evolution as Reagan used  to, even though it would have been a good opportunity to do it.

In the American Thinker, Perry also stands accused of being so Jihadi-friendly as to be guilty of “systematic sedition.” While I’m skeptical of that claim, the guy is so new to the national arena that who knows?

Stay tuned. I guess we’ll find out whether he is a sodomy law-loving systematic seditionist soon enough.

MORE: Roger L. Simon disagrees with Rick Perry on gay marriage, but thinks he would be a good president. He also links this video which shows Perry to be a very pleasant and likeable man.

Likeable as he is, and even though I would vote for him if he is on the ballot, I simply cannot find enthusiasm in my heart for any candidate who believes in sodomy laws.

My standards may be low, but they’re not that low.

I dislike libertarian purists, and don’t think I’m being too much of a purist when I say that wanting to imprison adults for consensual sex in this day and age is just way over the top.

MORE: Conor Friedersdorf argues that Rick Perry has betrayed his own federalism.

A quote (from Perry):

Limiting government seems to be but a quaint notion today for Republicans who prefer instead to set aside principle to use government to achieve their own, preferred–supposedly conservative–policy goals.

While I like the sound of the above, Friedersdorf sees it as an indictment of Perry. By Perry.

Eventually, none of this will matter.

Basically, I might be able to forgive Perry’s abandonment of principles, but I wish the “principles” he is willing to abandon would include his former support for sodomy laws.

Maybe then I could muster a show of enthusiasm.






25 responses to “In search of the real Rick Perry”

  1. John S. Avatar
    John S.

    I understand your concerns, but I’m not inclined to worry at this point. I think Perry’s initial reaction to NY allowing gay marriage through the legislative process was telling… I don’t have the quote right to hand, but he essentially didn’t seem to mind much, saying that was up to New York. Of course, then he was forced to backtrack on that because of pressure from social cons, but I think his initial response was probably close to his true opinion.

    At this point, I’d be willing to vote for a paper bag full of dung if it meant retiring Obama in January of 2013.

  2. ScottH Avatar

    This is also troubling.

  3. Eric Avatar

    I’m also planning to vote for whoever runs against Obama. However, I would like the candidate to be whoever has the best chance of winning a majority of American voters, which is not necessarily synonymous with winning a majority of Republican voters.

  4. Eric Avatar


    I wrote about the Willingham case here:

  5. Bobnormal Avatar

    So if my Wife and I engage in sodomy, are we guilty of a “crime” as well, or does is only apply to Homosexual behavior?(remember I’m a Christian Libertarian, if there is such a creature)I don’t like his 10th amendment issues, reminds me of Jan Brewer, but we take what we can get at this point I’m afraid,

  6. Veeshir Avatar

    Just cuz it’s funny doesn’t mean it’s not endy.

    I’m absolutely not joking about rooting for the asteroid.

  7. Veeshir Avatar

    I see that Paul Ryan might jump in, I would think (and hope) that makes Perry’s candidacy moot. Just because Rove hates Perry doesn’t mean he’s not Bush III.

    All the rest are immediately done (Sorry GOP establishment (cough NRO cough), you tried to push Romney on us last time and we ended up with McCain. Ruck Fomney), it’s between Perry and Ryan and, I think (and hope) Ryan doesn’t have the religious baggage.

    Ryan will be viciously attacked by Minitrue for trying to reduce the size of gov’t.
    Oh please don’t throw me in that briar patch!

    I do need to see Ryan’s foreign policy ideas.
    Each spring I’ve been expecting to see a war starting in Georgia and the middle east and maybe see China get all frisky in the South China Sea (with one or all of Vietnam, the Philippines, SoKo and Japan) to test Obama.

    Next spring (invasion season in eastern Europe) might be their last chance and they might have been waiting for Iran to get nukes.

    So if the world blows up in the spring we will need a man with balls and brains in that office. If Minitrue can portray Ryan as neither, it might hide the fact that Obama has neither.

  8. postlibertarian Avatar

    I don’t know how much of the Texas job numbers Perry can take credit for, but the numbers are even better than you think and he will get credit for it in an election that will be all about jobs. I think he will win the nomination. I like Paul Ryan for VP. (disclaimer: I didn’t think McCain or Obama would make it last time so what do I know?)

    In other news, Ron Paul is already polling better than he ever did last time, and he’s even beating Bachmann (considered a “serious contender” by MSM) in some polls.

  9. Chas Avatar

    Should Perry be elected, I would expect him to throw his Christian Dominationist friends under the same bus where the Rev. Jeremiah Wright reclines.

    Can you say “useful idiots”?

  10. Frank Avatar

    Perry is a populist in the mold of William Jennings Bryan. It’s not the party that matters to him, but the crusade. End the teaching of Darwin in public schools once and for all. Bring back sodomy laws. Let poor women use a coat hanger instead of a clinic. Pass the defense of marriage amendment. And while we’re at it, execute a few more innocents.
    You can vote for this closeted cracker if you want, but if he’s the Republican nominee, I’ll sit this one out.

  11. Frank Avatar

    Perry got campaign donations from Merk and then issued an order to give all grade school girls its genital herpes vaccine. His chief of staff was also a paid lobbyist for Merk. Only after the Texas legislature got involved because of indignant parents did Perry back down.

    Here’s Michelle Malkin’s article today:

  12. Eric Avatar

    Interesting about Michelle Malkin, Frank. Thanks. I spoke my peace.

    Were I able to tap into the enthusiasm I lack, I might have pointed out that Perry’s wife Anita is a nurse who is outspoken on vaccine issues:

    So I might have said she may have been more of a factor than Merck, but that ain’t my job!


  13. John S. Avatar
    John S.

    It’s not the party that matters to him, but the crusade. End the teaching of Darwin in public schools once and for all. Bring back sodomy laws. Let poor women use a coat hanger instead of a clinic. Pass the defense of marriage amendment. And while we’re at it, execute a few more innocents.

    Umm… this strikes me as being just a bit hysterical.

    You can vote for this closeted cracker if you want, but if he’s the Republican nominee, I’ll sit this one out.

    If I waited until my perfect candidate was running to cast a vote, I would NEVER be able to vote. The thing to consider is, would he be better than Obama? The answer is of course a resounding “yes!” Of course, if you dislike him more than you dislike Obama, then please feel free to sit out or vote for the big Zero–that’s your decision.

    As Bill Whittle has said numerous times, victory is a ratchet. We’re never going to make progress until we start accepting small gains.

  14. Frank Avatar

    Eric, you could be right that Perry was influenced by his nurse wife on the vaccine, rather than Merck. That he had a lobbyist from them on staff and got campaign donations as well indicates crony capitalism at best.

    I see him as a political opportunist. He switched parties at a time when the entire state of Texas was becoming Republican territory. Convenient. He spouts a libertarian response when New York passes gay marriage, then immediately backtracks and pushes for a national marriage amendment after getting flack from his religious backers. He holds Billy Sunday type revivals praying for spiritual guidance, and rain.

    As to his stand on drugs, he already has fired a warning shot. He wants military type drones to patrol the border to interdict drug smugglers, and illegals or course. Unarmed he says. Yeah, just like the first ones in Afghanistan.

    Sorry, but he has the markings of a tin pot statist. Between him and Obama? Flip a coin.

  15. Veeshir Avatar

    I’m not arguing the lobbyist, but from the RCP article
    And Merck’s political action committee pitched in $6,000 to Perry’s re-election campaign in 2007.

    $6Gs? I hope he’s not that cheaply bought.

    I would say he just listened to advisors who told him how important it was.

    I just don’t see 6 grand as being a bribe for the governor of a state.

  16. Frank Avatar

    Which side is Perry on? Here’s Pam Geller with his connections to the Aga Khan and Grover Norquist:

    And here is an assessment that he is pro-Israel:

    Maybe he’s just “pro-Rick Perry” and whatever works to get him elected.

  17. Frank Avatar

    What to make of Perry’s visits to Israel, and his friendship with the Aga Khan?

    A friend to all is a friend to none.

  18. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    If he gets the nomination, I’ll hold my nose. He hasn’t destroyed Texas, and he’s done a few smart things. That’s got to be better than what’s in now.

  19. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    P.S. And I think sodomy laws are easier to fight than total economic disaster.

  20. Eric Avatar

    If he would back off his previous approval of sodomy laws, it might help him with the voters. If not, he will only be hurting his candidacy. It is a mistake to write off the gay vote based simply on the number of gays. Many, many people have gay friends and there are enough sympathizers with sexual freedom in general that being an anti-gay politician at the national level carries a heavy price.

  21. Frank Avatar

    Melvyn Douglas –

    …little by little the look of the country changes because of the men we admire.

    It’s a great line from the movie Hud with Paul Newman playing the Rick Perry role.

  22. Eric Avatar

    “the men we admire”?

    The use of that pronoun is a bit strong. Like millions of Americans, I held my nose and voted for Bush, not because I admired him, but because I thought he was better than the alternative. If Perry is the candidate, I think he will also be better than the alternative. In fact, Pat Robertson would be better than Obama, even if he developed Alzheimer’s!

    Speaking for myself, admiration has nothing to do with it.

    Obviously, neither does enthusiasm. I’ve been voting for candidates I can’t stand for many, many years. Welcome to life in America.

  23. Frank Avatar

    There was no personal implication meant. But there is enthusiasm for Perry on the right which is misplaced IMO.

    Here’s just one example of what the man is all about. He has rammed through the Texas corridor trans-America highway which will link Mexico with Canada. It’s a bold expansion of NAFTA that will further strengthen imports from Asia through the deep water port of Manzanillo.

    Currently, Manzanillo continues being a deep water port and is placed as the largest Mexican port on the Pacific, taking advantage of its strategic geographic situation, making it the port of entry for international commerce coming from Asia and different parts of the world.

    The rail and super-highway links from Manzanillo up through Mexico and into the interior U.S. will effectively bypass West Coast ports like Long Beach.
    It will be fantastic for Mexico at the expense of the U.S. West Coast.

    In addition, Perry has made it very clear that he is proposing more than just trade links with Mexico. He wants cultural integration as well, with no border fence. At the same time, he wants trans-border use of military drones to control illegal drug smuggling.

    Texas is also a right to work state. This means that the state over rules private labor contracts making them meaningless. But it insures cheap labor, as does open borders with Mexico.

    Rick Perry’s loyalty is first and always to his political ambition. He appears willing to walk, literally, over dead bodies to get it. He’s another Richard Nixon in the making.

  24. […] social issues, and I have been unable to get past my sour initial take — which is that I can hold my nose and vote for him over Obama, but no […]

  25. […] When I criticized Perry for supporting the criminalization of homosexuality, I honestly had hoped he was just demagoguing the issue. It now appears that he really meant […]