What’s next? Will supporting Israel be called racism too?

I know I haven’t said anything about it (probably because there are just too many wrong things in too many places and I can’t write posts about them all), but I think what’s going on between the United States and Israel right now is especially horrifying. Our most loyal, stalwart ally, and the only real democracy in the Mideast, is being systematically shafted by the Obama administration — which now says support of Israel to be ‘balanced against other interests.’
I think such a cowardly and disloyal attitude is disgusting and borders on malevolent.
Quite properly, Phillis Chesler says that “the absence of outrage is outrageous.” She’s ready to leave.

America is rapidly changing in terms of its relationship to Israel and to Islamism. My passport is ready, near my bedside. Others are worried, just as I am. For example, read Daniel Greenfield at SultanKnish, Marc Prowisor at Yesha News, and Ed Koch at the Huffington Post. Just last night a friend who has lived in North Africa, Israel, Europe, and the United States suggested that we might slip away to Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, maybe Costa Rica because “war is here, war is everywhere, but what jihadist group is going to target such countries”?
Jews cry: “Never again.” Jews cry: “No more will we be silent.”

I read Ed Koch’s piece last night, and I found myself getting very depressed about the whole situation.
You’d almost think Hugo Chavez had been put in charge of our backstabbing foreign policy.
MORE: Seriously, I am one of those people who tends to look on the dark side of things, and while I never supported him, I really didn’t think Obama would be as bad a president as he is turning out to be.






16 responses to “What’s next? Will supporting Israel be called racism too?”

  1. confused Avatar

    Um … for states, every interest must always be balanced against all the other, competing, interests.
    Do you expect Israel to be “loyal” to us at the expense of it’s own critical interests (like security)? Why would you demand that the US to be loyal to Israel at the expense of our own critical interests?

  2. Sarah Avatar

    Bordering on the malevolent? You’re kind.
    I am SO horrified and sick there is no word for it. I just want to go up to the little man in the expensive suit and say “PEOPLE don’t do that. You’re supposed to support your defenseless friends not feed them to the wolves. DIDN’T your mother, your father, or whatever substitutes you had teach you ANYTHING? Didn’t you have a friend, ever, who would clue you in to common humanity? HAVE YOU NO SENSE?”

  3. Veeshir Avatar

    Our media has a lot to answer for.
    They totally hid him from all scrutiny so nobody, not even our media betters, knew anything about him. Except that he likes waffles and shooting basketball.
    The only thing I knew about him was that he skyrocketed up through the Daly machine and even with my low opinion of that crew, I had no idea how bad he would be.
    That’s why I have to think we really are in The Funniest End of Civilization Ever.
    I am a Clinton-hater from way back, ever since, “I didn’t inhale”, and I think the worst thing that happened to America in 2008 was that Hillary was not elected President.
    That’s a sentence I would have bet my life in 1999 I would never write.

  4. eric Avatar

    Sometimes I wonder what horrifies me more: what is being done, or how hard it is to remain civilized while opposing it.

  5. TomA Avatar

    Like the rest of us, Israel is faced with three more years of this foreign policy. Its foolish to hope that the Obama administration will eventually see the light and return to our traditional policy of strong allegiance to Israel. The Israelis need to think in terms of going it alone for a while and Jewish Americans need to re-examine their longstanding habit of knee-jerk allegiance to the Democrats.

  6. Linda Avatar

    It seems to me, that just that sentence has cut Israel loose from our ‘umbrella of protection’ and painted a bullseye on the country.
    And, I agree with Sarah. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to read *any* of the papers Obama wrote during college? See even a list of classes he took? How about the classes he *taught* – aren’t there scyllabi and/or reading lists?
    How can we know so little about this man, and have so many people *not* feel outraged about our lack of knowledge!

  7. RickC Avatar

    Like several of the commenters I find the Obama Administration’s policies and treatment of Israel to be of concern. Most of the reactions to Koch’s piece at HuffPo are just downright alarming even though a few voices of sanity tried to argue back.
    If any of you have been watching Europe over the last few years you are aware that there has been a spike in anti-semitism, even outright violence. Bruce Bawer and others have been monitoring and reporting on this for several years. It is literally appalling and only to get worse as the dhimmis and placaters are in power and following the exact same path they took during the rise of Hitler; if we ignore it, it will just go away. We see how well that turned out.
    I’m always fascinated when people seemed surprised by Obama’s latest move. Folks, it was all in his books and in the story of his life. He was raised, mentored, and supported by radical communists, socialists and a black liberation theologist. He was schooled in Alinsky-style community organizing and even taught same to groups like Acorn. It was in his speeches. Why the surprise?
    Norman Thomas said this in a 1944 speech:
    “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” He went on to say, “I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform.”
    Obama is just the culmination of the plan.

  8. Frank Avatar

    Linda – “We know so little about this man…”
    And the media never delved into his background, really. But, by god, they can dig through dumpsters to find Sarah Palin’s speaking fees and terms, while the closeted Attorney General of California launches an investigation.

  9. Veeshir Avatar

    Well, Zionism is Racism.
    Or don’t you believe in the UN either?

  10. bob sykes Avatar
    bob sykes

    For more than 20 years, every Sunday Obama quietly sat and listened to the most virulent antisemitic rants heard since Hitler and Himmler. He even learned that Jesus was a black west African sent to chastise the Jews.
    As President he has surrounded himself with antisemites like Clinton and self-hating Jews like Emmanuel. Are we supposed to be surprised that he is working to destroy Israel? Koch and Chesler are idiots.

  11. gail Avatar

    Or don’t you believe in the UN either?

  12. Hortensio Avatar

    Er, yes, support for Israel has been described as ‘racist’ by hardcore anti-Israelites for quite a while now. It’s depressing when support for Hamas doesn’t cause an eyelid to bat among the far-left while support for Israel causes them to foam at the mouth.

  13. M. Simon Avatar

    I really didn’t think Obama would be as bad a president as he is turning out to be.
    I know you hated her but I liked Hillary better.

  14. Sarah Avatar

    M Simon,
    Yes. The much smaller of two evils. Not that this makes her wonderful, but…

  15. Veeshir Avatar

    I don’t see a problem with hating Hillary yet thinking she was the better choice.
    I didn’t hate Obama, I was just afraid of him.

  16. killerwhale52 Avatar

    These are scary days, indeed. I reckon the best we can hope for now is that the Israelis ONLY use EMP weapons against Iran. They really have no choice left, do they? What most folks don’t realize is that the Israelis will use boosted fission weapons that are MUCH more powerful than is generally recognized. Essentially, small hydrogen weapons, if U will. Folks make a big deal about Iraqi airspace, but that really doesnt mean anything, if U think about it. Iran means to kill the Jews off, and Obama means to let them. So, in such a stark situation, all bets are off.