Grass roots convention, minus the grass roots?

I very much hope that this indictment of the Tea Party Movement is either exaggerated or untrue:

The Nashville linup also would appear to rebut another commonly held argument that the Tea Party Movement’s independence is guaranteed by its fundamentally libertarian character, so incompatible with the GOP’s heavy reliance on cultural conservatives and foreign-policy neocons. Palin is, of course, the maximum heroine of cultural conservatives. Bachmann is famous for questioning the patriotism of any and all Democrats. Beyond that, Tea Party Convention panelists include the Christian Right warhorse Rick Scarborough of Vision America (notable, among other things, for his advocacy of global conflict with Muslims) and Judge Roy Moore, the famous “Ten Commandments Judge” who’s a favorite of theocrats everywhere. No genuine libertarian would embrace this crew.

(Via Ann Althouse, who asks whether the Tea Party Movement is in fact an independent “third force” in American politics.)
Much as I like Sarah Palin, I think Roy Moore is a loon, and I don’t think he represents the Tea Party Movement of the sort I have seen around here. Nor does WorldNetDaily’s Joseph Farah, who was also a speaker. (And as Ed Morrissey notes, the American Liberty Association pulled out.)
My impression of the Tea Party people I’ve met is that they are genuinely grass roots, small-l libertarian types, on the right side of the spectrum but beholden to no one. Of course, there’s a smattering of social and conservatives, but that doesn’t seem to be their main shtick. As to what this so called “Tea Party Convention” is all about, it beats me.I wasn’t invited, and I probably wouldn’t have been welcome.
From what I’ve read, the grass roots don’t seem to be showing.






6 responses to “Grass roots convention, minus the grass roots?”

  1. Donna B. Avatar

    A for-profit political party? Well… at least that’s somewhat more honest in a way.

  2. SDN Avatar

    One thing that Sarah Palin cannot be accused of is using any of the offices she’s served in for passing laws or issuing dictates based on her religious beliefs. Which is one reason I support her.

  3. LYNNDH Avatar

    Being a Tea Party person, I agree with you. It is grass roots. Those trying to take it over may well be a bit surprised by a reaction to any take over bid.

  4. Bob Thompson Avatar
    Bob Thompson

    I cannot claim to be a active tea party member but my political principles do align very positively. By observation it appears to me that the movement is independent, grassroots, and decidedly right of center with much attention to fiscal issues and the incessant violations of individual liberty committed by the Obama administration and the democrat congress.
    I have never been comfortable with democrat party policies basically because of the support accorded big government and the view that the government (federal) is the appropriate avenue for solving societal problems. Religious, social, and foreign policy have taken a backseat of lesser import.
    So it seems to me that for those people who think a third party effort benefits democrats, common cause between the tea partiers(many of whom are self-identified independents) and traditional conservative republicans
    represents a path that those views can travel on together, while there may still be many differences, but not of the same constitutional importance

  5. cla barham Avatar
    cla barham

    As a nation, we have allowed ourselves to drift too far from our roots, those established when the Pilgrims arrived and when our system was codified by the 19th century Democrats from Jefferson, Madison on to Cleveland, as cited in The Changing Face of Democrats on and We?ve allowed the Old World ideas of Rousseau and Marx to infect our politics through the 20th century Democrats, and now we are paying the price for it. Whether we will regain our proven way again remains to be seen. Whether enough of the electorate will choose the New World way or stay the course being laid down by Obama and become just another nation ruled by the few elite over the wishes of the many with individual freedom a thing of the past is yet to be decided. America proved prosperity comes from freedom, not dictatorship.

  6. Veeshir Avatar

    There’s no real leadership in the tea parties. It’s just a bunch of people who are sick of being treated like ATMs and told to shut up and vote.
    So all kinds of people are trying to glom on.
    I agree with Lynndh, these “leaders” are going to be surprised, especially if they’re not pretty libertarianish.