Month: May 2008

  • Romantic Intellectualism

    The New Criterion has an article on romaticism in the public schools. It is not about the study of a literary genre but a look at how bad ideas coupled with good intentions are ruining our schools for all children. The children with limited abilities. Those in the middle and those at the top. It…

  • Commuters and cellmongers repent!

    I hate the way Sunday has become official morality day. I say this not in criticism of organized religion or morality in general, but because I don’t like trickery, and I don’t like the way Sundays have become the official day for media to play preacher and promote morality — especially the newly manufactured morality…

  • Recovering from Stalinist surrealism at the Baltimore Blogger Meetup

    Gone all day yesterday, but blogging was not forgotten. Far from it. After a trip to the Philadelphia Art Museum where I immersed myself in the morbidly self absorbed art of the unabashedly Stalinist surrealist Frida Kahlo, I got in my car and hightailed it to Baltimore for a very different event, and a more…

  • Is Jamie Rubin Really A Sales Man?

    If you look at these two videos I’d have to say it is hard to tell the two comedians apart. Why do I say two comedians? Well there seems to be a little stretching of the truth going on here. Here is what John McCain said: “I think the United States should take a step…

  • Unchained Melody

  • You Talkin’ ‘Bout Me?

    President Bush gave a speech at the Israeli Parliament. Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along. We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared:…

  • We Owe It To Our Military

    McCain made a great point at the NRA convention and he changed my mind about my on again off again support for him. We owe it to those who have fought and died in Iraq. Senator Obama has said, if elected, he will withdraw Americans from Iraq quickly no matter what the situation on the…

  • Clutter leads to meltdown

    Like a lot of people who have been using computers for over a decade, I have performed “upgrades” more times than I care to remember. Among the more mundane of these upgrades have been replacing hard drives — sometimes because they failed, but mostly because they eventually were filled to capacity. I’m kind of a…

  • On The Saudi Payroll?

    The American Thinker asks: What do the Saudis want? Slowly but surely it is beginning to dawn on a world mesmerized by the Democratic primary contest that an oil cartel has been picking our pocket with impunity by willfully failing to adjust its output to the additional needs of China and India. More specifically, Americans…

  • File A Complaint

    Under the Endangered Species Act the polar bear is now listed as a threatened species. After 18 years of a law practice devoted to counseling landowners, home builders and commercial interests affected by the long arm and severe penalties of the Endangered Species Act, I am used to incredulous looks and outraged oaths from clients…

  • McCain Mutiny

    This one is the last straw for me. He wants to cripple the US economy over unproven theories when even the warmists say we have 10 years of cold coming. All this will do is send jobs to China and India. I used to be luke warm for McCain. Now I just don’t care any…

  • Vacation? In Burma?

    Be sure to check out my Pajamas Media post on the subject, and please feel free to leave a comment The bottom line is that while travel to Burma is generally considered unethical (because tourist money supports the tyrannical regime financially), the situation is so awful there right now that travel could hardly make things…

  • “Um, what I meant to say was…”

    While I know Mike Huckabee was only kidding, remarks like this just don’t don’t work out too well in the world of politics. LOUISVILLE, Ky. – Republican Mike Huckabee responded to an offstage noise during his speech to the National Rifle Association by suggesting it was Barack Obama diving to the floor because someone had…

  • The overwhelming scientific consensus gets heavier

    “We are all becoming heavier and it is a global responsibility.” So said Phil Edwards of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, quoted in a report linking obesity to global warming. “Hands off my steak!” is more like it. That was Andrew Bolt’s reaction. Bolt also supplied graphic evidence of “an enviro-menace who…

  • accents are disappearing faster than I thought

    I do not admire disloyalty, so I was perturbed to read about a supposedly conscience-stricken young man [Matthis Chiroux] who, after years of military service in Afghanistan and elsewhere, suddenly says he “failed to report” “war crimes” and refuses deployment to Iraq. From his statement: This occupation is unconstitutional and illegal, and I hereby lawfully…

  • “Nobody clapped”

    Take a long, hard look at this video: Barack Obama said that when he gave a speech in Detroit telling automakers that they had to build more energy efficient cars, nobody clapped. The reaction of most people who look at the above would be to conclude that he’s simply lying. Obviously (unless the video is…

  • Same sex marriage and condoms on bananas

    If the massive outrage I overheard on talk radio yesterday is any indication, yesterday’s California Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage is the ultimate affront to democracy, and the final triumph of judicial tyranny run amok. Daniel Blatt (a supporter of same sex marriage, btw) admits to being “troubled by the decision,” as am I,…

  • Getting divorced from a dated perspective

    Where it comes to dating the divorced, I’m afraid I’m a bit out of my league, as well as out of touch with today’s world. However, I nonetheless enjoyed Dr. Helen’s PJM post on the subject, especially because double standards never fail to intrigue me. And boy, do the double standards ever abound! …a divorced…

  • One man’s disturbing mutant is another man’s precious thing of Beauty!

    Post-Nuclear War Mutant Salt Shakers, anyone? Clayton Cramer said that a Thai restaurant was handing them to customers, but he found them “disturbing.” It’s not the first time this has happened, but once again, I must regretfully disagree with Cramer. I mean, just look at these! I think they’re incredibly cool and I want a…

  • The Girls From Brazil Have A Question

    You can find out more about this at Set America Free.Org. If you want to learn more about why the auto companies should be making Flex Fuel Vehicles you can listen to this or visit Energy Victory. If you want to find out how cheap fusion energy can help (now in the early research stages…