The Devil Speaks

Who is the Devil? That would be me. Who says so? That would be Obama’s Spiritual Mentor, the person who coined the phrase Obama used as the title of one of his books The Audacity of Hope, the irreverend Jeremiah Wright.

“Theologically, Malcolm X was not far wrong when he called the white man ‘the devil.’ The white structure of this American society, personified in every racist, must be at least part of what the New Testament meant by demonic forces… “

Evidently there is good money in this kind of talk. The irreverend went into retirement in a $1 million dollar home (he needs to talk to Al Gore about his carbon foot print). Evidently he has come out of retirement because there is still money on the table.

Here is a bit I did on Black Liberation Theology. You can see what Wright’s mentor James Cone has to say in this video. Glenn Reynolds has this to say (along with his usual enlightening linkage) about the irreverend’s latest spew.

Yes, Wright’s views certainly contradict Obama’s stated beliefs, policies, and values.

My blog mate Eric also has a few words about Wright’s latest pronouncements.
My take on all this? The irreverend Wright is trying to help his close friend Barack Hussein Obama get elected.
Update: 29 April 008 0335z
The Telegraph Co. UK. has a few words:

Barack Obama’s former pastor returned to plague his White House bid yesterday with a nationally televised speech in which he blamed US policy for the September 11 attacks and praised the controversial black leader Louis Farrakhan.

And this choice quote from Obama’s campaign manager.

David Axelrod, Mr Obama’s chief strategist, admitted to the cable news channel MSNBC that the campaign had no control over the minister. “Obviously we would not have encouraged him to go on a media tour,” he said.

They finish up with this gem:

Joe Watkins, a Republican strategist and pastor, who is black, said: “This hurts Obama tremendously because all it’s doing is causing people to remember that Barack Obama has been a member of this man’s church.”

Obama is so forked. Burnt toast.






9 responses to “The Devil Speaks”

  1. narciso Avatar

    No, I don’t think so, it’s more out of a scene from “Fatal Attraction”: “I’m not going to be ignored” no matter the consequences for his candidate, the African
    American community, or the Country.

  2. dre Avatar

    “The Audacity of Hope”. The “Good Ship Hopeychange” hitting the Isle of Wright.

  3. M. Carver Avatar
    M. Carver

    You mean, double reverse psychology? By creating the appearance that he’s sabotaging Obama, he actually helps him because of a possible sympathy factor?
    Nice trick if he can pull it off. Maybe he can even get the Hillary campaign to pay him for his efforts!

  4. Amy Proctor Avatar

    Wright has completely blown the opportunity to do what he says he wants: reconciliation. Because he doesn’t really want reconciliation, he wants revenge. Which makes him a hypocrite because his message is that the US of KKK A is evil because we “wanted revenge on 9/11”. This man cannot differentiate between foreign policy, military response and utter stupidity.

  5. M. Simon Avatar

    I was being ironic.
    BTW thanks for stopping by. I’ll be over to see you at Just One Minute shortly.

  6. Phelps Avatar

    I am particularly incensed that he flat refused to answer the “unpatriotic sermons” question. We know you served six years in the Marines. Lee Oswald served three years. Is his patriotism unquestionable? Julius Rosenberg spent 10 years in the Army. John Anthony Walker spent 30 years in the Navy.
    Perhaps he should have just answered the question and said how he felt about America and not worried about whether or not Cheney served.

  7. Chris Avatar

    “My take on all this? The irreverend Wright is trying to help his close friend Barack Hussein Obama get elected.”
    Possible, if too clever by half. See that you noted it’s irony, but the possibility is worth exploring.
    As has been noted all over, presents the opportunity for the full-on Sister Souljah. We shall see.

  8. Assistant Village Idiot Avatar

    dre – “The Good Ship Hopeychange.” Love it.
    Maybe my dislike of Black Liberation Theology and its picturing white devils as demonic forces comes from my 55 years of white privilege (though my biography, as that of many non-black people, contains some unprivileged things). But I deeply resent the attempted monopoly on suffering being applied against my 3rd and 4th sons, who came as teenagers from a Romanian orphanage. The Rev. Jeremiah T. Wright, and 99% of Americans, know nothing of a tough start in life by comparison.
    CS Lewis once referred to a person who had grumbled so long that she had become a grumble, going on automatically of its own accord. The same would apply for Rev. Wright and whining. Hey Jeremiah – all the doors of Hell are locked from the inside.

  9. Lovernios Avatar

    Heard a brief sound clip on Michael Savage last night. Not of Rev. Wright, but of the NPC, a collection of “objective reporters” cheering wildly.
    They like him; they really like him.