Month: October 2007

  • Israel Gets It

    Israel gets what? Israel gets it. Since the 1970s, on school campuses in Israel, policy requires teachers and parent aides to arm themselves with semi-automatic weapons. The result? School shootings have plummeted to zero. H/T Instapundit Cross Posted at Power and Control

  • That Was Bad

    About Iraq: Our generals up ’til now didn’t win. That was bad. Our generals up ’til now didn’t lose. That was good. In addition too little force allowed the insurgents free play. That was bad. Too little force allowed the Iraqis to get to know the insurgents on an intimate basis. That was good. Out…

  • Dennis Miller Reams Harry Reid

    HT Gateway Pundit Note: the first video link has been pulled from YouTube. Listen to this while you still can.

  • Via E-Mail

    I have just received an anonymous e-mail with a link to a site, I Call BS, that purports to have a secret recording of Harry Reid’s Secretary from this morning. You can listen to the mp3 and judge for yourself. It seems authentic to me. Some one should tell Rush. Cross Posted at Power and…

  • King’s alternate dream?

    The Tony Auth cartoon in today’s Philadelphia Inquirer resorts to some of the Inquirer’s usual kneejerk assumptions about the NRA. As a member of the NRA and other often-stereotyped groups, I don’t enjoy stereotypes, and I’m no more enamored with the idea that because I belong to the NRA I dream about arming infants, nuns,…

  • Oh, Spray

    It appears that the Time Magazine issue with the Marine Corps Osprey on the cover was spraying bunk. Lubbock Marine Parents whose motto is: “Freedom is not free, but the U.S. Marine Corps will pay most of your share.” -Ned Dolan, has the story. I am so glad to see this article. I am not…

  • $2,100,100.00

    Yesterday I was discussing in Dingy Harry Gets The Bum’s Rush how Rush Limbaugh turned the “phony soldier” controversy into cash for the Marine Corps — Law Enforcement Foundation. When I posted last night (local time) the bidding was up to $850,000+. Today the bidding is closed and the total is, as the headline shows,…

  • Self preservation is a full-time occupation

    Anyone who knows me from this blog (it’s been awhile) or just about anywhere else would probably be surprised to recognize an Ani DiFranco reference in the title, but they’d be even more surprised to learn that I belong to *gasp* a union. I am in fact a public school teacher working in a closed…

  • Is that a snake in your toilet or are you just happy to see me?

    Earlier this morning, I was emailed a link to what appeared to be a typical scare story about a python which came out of a woman’s toilet. There was no Halloween bogeyman in the closet for one Brooklyn woman just a 7-foot-long python in her toilet. Nadege Brunacci was washing her hands in her bathroom…

  • Let the non-buyer beware!

    This story (which only received media attention because it involved Ellen DeGeneres) should serve as a remember that if you “adopt” what is called a “rescue” dog, it is not your dog: The twisted dog tale began last month when DeGeneres and de Rossi adopted a cute, black Brussels Griffon mix terrier named Iggy. When…

  • obsessive people write obsessive morality

    Of course, if I publish this, I’ll look like someone who is obsessed with obsessive people who write obsessive laws, so maybe I should let it rot in oblivion like so many other posts. Besides, how can I be expected to solve a centuries-old theological dispute in a blog post? So may the gods forgive…

  • The NRA is the cause of crime?

    If a criminal shoots a law abiding citizen, is that the fault of the NRA? Coming from me, I know that will sound like a rhetorical question. But what’s a rhetorical question for me is a genuine argument for someone else — in this case a grief-stricken Philadelphia city official. Among the organizers was city…

  • Class War

    In my post Treatment vs Recreation I looked at how the pharmaceutical industry has come to the rescue of the middle class by making a whole host of drugs that substitute for the illegal variety. I’d like to take another look at the subject Tim Wu brought up in his Slate article. The Class War…

  • Treatment vs Recreation

    Tim Wu at Slate is taking a look at a subject I have been discussing for years. The idea that illegal drugs do the very same things that legal drugs do. Treat what are called emotional problems. Over the last two decades, the FDA has become increasingly open to drugs designed for the treatment of…

  • Canada’s Harper – Kyoto Is Socialism

    Well, well, well. What do you know. The marks are starting to wise up. Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper says Kyoto is socialism all the way. As I have been saying for a while, human caused global warming is Socialist Science. Let me let the Prime Minister tell it like it is. Prime Minister Stephen…

  • Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week

    Front Page Magazine has a self parody up in which they refer to American Fascism Awareness Day. I was taken in by the parody. So I wrote Ron Paul – Communist Sympathizer? The joke was on me. Why was I taken in? It seemed like so much I have read on lefty and Islamic fascist…

  • Ron Paul – Communist Sympathizer?

    Front Page Magazine has a bit on Ron Paul’s alignment with certain unsavory groups. The campaign mounted by campus leftists against Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, which is scheduled to take place on more than 100 campuses during the week of October 22-26 has taken a new turn with the announcement of a counter-protest at the Washington…

  • Impossible for a girl to have too many Hsus

    After mentioning the wiretapping, and plans of violence against Iran, Glenn Reynolds states that Hillary Clinton is “like President Cheney, only with hair!” Well, I am proud to say that this is not a new subject at this blog. And not a new look (although I guess it is a new one for Hillary): This…

  • graves and graven images

    When Glenn Reynolds linked my PINO CHE T shirt design post, he commented that it had the potential to “create all sorts of amusing commotion.” I assumed Glenn meant political commotion, but the commotion which has happened so far is copyright commotion. While copyright commotion can be amusing, it can also be annoying. Anyway, when…

  • Classical liberalism is for kooks!

    Is Classical Liberalism dead in today’s Republican Party? The reason I’m asking is that it often seems that way to me. I’m thinking that the Wikipedia’s attempt to call it “conservatism” may therefore be in error. From the Wiki entry, a brief definition of Classical liberalism: a doctrine stressing the importance of human rationality, individual…