Month: June 2006

  • Roveing Roundup (revised North American version)

    In what has to be considered huge news, Great Satan Karl Rove is not being indicted. Stephen Green says, It’s really too bad this news didn’t come out on Friday. The reactions from the wackos at the Kos Konvention would have been priceless. And Ann Althouse says “Oh, the pain…” Intrigued by this, I decided…

  • To the dungeons with Gay divorcees?

    Interesting comment left at Dr. Helen’s divorce podcast post: My view is that gay marriage will sink fatherhood even lower, if that is possible. You will have divorced mothers collecting child support, alimony, divorce settlements, tax benefits, and possibly welfare like now. But heterosexual divorced mothers will marry each other for additional cash incentives, including…

  • It helps to remind myself that none of this is personal

    The picture of the dead pigs in that last post reminded me of the confusion that can be created when human emotions get in the way of our better judgment. A number of people who grew up on farms, including my father, have told me that children should never be allowed to make friends with…

  • Passing thoughts on Friday pork

    On Friday I had lunch in Philadelphia’s Chinatown area. Friday being delivery day around there, the streets were crowded with trucks, which were unloading restaurant supplies and piling them on the sidewalks. One delivery especially caught my attention, and while I didn’t have my camera, I did have my cell phone, and I managed to…

  • Questions and Answers for RINOs and the RINO-curious

    Speaking of Republican dissent, this week’s Carnival of the RINOs is being hosted by a very talented longtime favorite of mine: Rachel at Tinkerty Tonk. And this carnival is a good one, which Rachel handles in a very readable question-and-answer format. A few of my favorites: MSM elitist Don Surber thinks that only the living…

  • Who will let me pull a Lieberman out of my tent?

    In a must-read column today titled “Can liberal bloggers and Democrats get along?” Inquirer political analyst Dick Polman casts a disapproving look at the left wing blogosphere, and while he plays his cards pretty close to his chest, I get the impression he thinks the bloggers are childish and a bit out-of-control. The left-leaning bloggers…

  • Unimpeachable words

    I realize that this is in abominably execrable taste, but considering that U.S. troops are now “threatening Iraqis with magical capabilities that don’t exist,” it only seems fair to let Zarqawi have the last word on the ongoing inquiry over whether his killing was a stunt. From what I have been able to discern with…

  • The “gun lobby” should thank Tom Ferrick!

    Inquirer columnist Tom Ferrick, Jr. (a man so hostile to firearms that he spent hundreds of dollars buying handguns he doesn’t want only to have them destroyed) has devoted today’s column to lobbying the Pennsylvania legislature for stricter gun laws: While Bloomberg can go to his City Council to pass a law limiting handgun sales…


    Joey Vento, the owner of Geno’s Steak’s in South Philadelphia, is receiving a considerable amount of ongoing national attention (interviewed on Good Morning America, etc.) — all because of a protest sign in the window telling customers to order in English. Dennis posted about the controversy earlier, but the issue is now front page news…

  • Fisking the growth of stunt?

    Eric Boehlert complains that the Washington Times (in this article) smeared Democrats by claiming that some of them saw the Zarqawi killing as a “stunt”: Matt Drudge immediately posted the article up high on his site, while Power Line, Michelle Malkin and legions from the 101st Fighting Keyboarders touted the piece as proof Democrats can’t…

  • Dreyfus, Durham, and mob psychology

    The rape case against the Duke University LaCrosse players looks crazier by the day. If these defense claims are true, the prosecution has a huge problem: DURHAM — The exotic dancer who has accused three Duke lacrosse players of gang-raping her was drinking while taking medication that night, and had sex with at least four…

  • Is James Webb a Fascist?

    Glenn Reynolds is tsk-tsking along with others, but how many people have seen the cartoon rather than read a lurid description? I think the spin is more than a little misleading, particularly because the drawings, while bad, are fairly accurate caricatures, and also because the anti-christ line is given in quotes and referenced to ‘Information…

  • High Stakes Cheese

    Joey Vento, propietor of Philadelphia’s legendary Geno’s Steaks and the son of Italian immigrants, is being labeled a racist for posting a sign asking customers to order in English: “I think what’s coming out of his mouth is racist,” said Santiago. “He is saying, ‘I don’t like these brown faces in my community and I…

  • honest speech is not free

    Via Mark Tapscott, some words of wisdom from the Washington Examiner: the demands of political correctness too often make it impossible to speak honestly about reality. The piece is about Canadian bureaucrats who can’t speak honestly about terrorists, but it’s becoming impossible for anyone holding an official position of any consequence to speak honestly about…

  • gold at the end of the rainbow?

    I don’t mean to make light of serious events, but an email quoted by Glenn Reynolds reminded me that there are other issues besides Ann Coulter’s Godless business and Abu al-Zarqawi’s now-headless routine. I refer of course to potty parody parity. It may have been neglected on Women’s Confidence Day, but it’s long been an…

  • Compulsion

    Have you ever been laying within a stillness which compelled you to take inaction lest you be forced with an inferior action? I am the embodiment of waste. The government and the medium have never let you down before… why should “they” start now? I have, in the past, deliberately, consciously (if such it can…

  • Text and Commentary

    I imagine readers of Classical Values are more on top of current events than I am because I spend so much of my time trying to get a handle on ancient texts (a consuming task made easier with the aid of commentaries), so you’re probably already aware of John Bolton’s anger over remarks made concerning…

  • That’s Entertainment, Part DCLXVI

    For the time being, Abu al-Zarqawi’s death has eclipsed Ann Coulter in the news, which is as it should be. But I still don’t think I have managed to pin down the distinctions between entertainment, morality, and political discourse. As this is a culture war blog (gad, what a thought!), and Ann Coulter positions herself…

  • At what price moral victory?

    Let’s see. This week Judge Roy Moore lost in Alabama. Earlier in Illinois, Judy Topinka defeated her Alan Keyes-style opponent whose supporters had screamed that Topinka was a homo-loving “anti-family interloper.” While the Moore and Topinka elections involved Republicans, and Don was writing about Democrats, I’m intrigued by Don Surber’s post (via Glenn Reynolds) about…

  • Bad grief?

    I see that Nick Berg’s father Michael (who is running for Congress) has expressed sadness for Zarqawi’s death and blames Bush for the murder of his son: “I don’t think that Zarqawi is himself responsible for the killings of hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq,” Berg said in a combative television interview with the…