Unimpeachable words

I realize that this is in abominably execrable taste, but considering that U.S. troops are nowthreatening Iraqis with magical capabilities that don’t exist,” it only seems fair to let Zarqawi have the last word on the ongoing inquiry over whether his killing was a stunt.
From what I have been able to discern with my nonexistent magical capabilities, Zarqawi clearly does not think his death was a stunt.


As further proof that the above might as well be true, I offer Jeff Goldstein’s wide-ranging post-mortem interview, in which Zarqawi is quoted as saying absolutely nothing to indicate his death had been a stunt.
Nor is there is anything anywhere else to contradict the statement I am attributing to Zarqawi here. So unless and until someone comes up with a specific statement to the contrary, I’m just going to consider the above to be fully content-verified, and accurate enough to be considered basically true.
It’s also nice to see Zarqawi agreeing with the Democrats as well as Republicans. Nothing like a show of unity.






2 responses to “Unimpeachable words”

  1. Mark in Mexico Avatar

    Zarqawi dusted by Pixie McChrystal

    The Strategy Page says that Zarqawi was sprinkled by pixie dust, or McChrystals, perhaps, and that’s how we found him.

  2. Portia Avatar

    Very bad taste. You made me spew coffee all over my keyboard.
    Bad Eric, bad, bad, bad Eric.