Optimistic about symbiosis

I’m glad to see that Daniel Rubin (best known as the Philadelphia Inquirer’s blogger extraordinaire “Blinq“) is not only being evenhanded in his treatment of Open Source Media, but he had this to say about OSM’s premature critics:

….it’s not fair to rip something so soon, even if the players are veterans at the game. Dozens of cyberscribes, from Glenn Reynolds of the right-of-center Instapundit to David Corn and Marc Cooper, of the left-of-center Nation, will write at one place. And bloggers will get paid based on the traffic they generate. Its cofounders are Roger L. Simon, a screenwriter and novelist, and Charles Johnson, of Little Green Footballs.

Well said, and it’s much to the credit to the Inquirer. Despite my editorial disagreements, it’s my hometown paper, I and my family have been loyal subscribers for decades, and I probably need to speak up more often (and MORE LOUDLY) whenever I see my paper doing the right thing — and in this case the smart thing.
Being blog-friendly, IMHO, bodes well for the future of the Inquirer — something I say in full awareness of depressing reports like this.
Keep up the great work, Daniel!






4 responses to “Optimistic about symbiosis”

  1. urthshu Avatar

    Is it prematurely criticising to say I have no plans to use it because it doesn’t have anything of value to offer me?
    Their ‘fair use’ terms state that, basically, I can’t link to their articles or quote them on anything, and that that applies to their bloggers, too. “No derivative works.”
    The whole blogosphere is practically run on derivative works. We’re a circle-jerk in real-time, or, put in friendlier terms, we’re all disembodied pals gossiping about nothing in particular. Its one of the charms, honestly.
    So far, the highest output seems to be an uncoordinated form of slagging on their critics; coupled with the ‘oh no you don’t’ clause, it reminds me of an accidental troll-fest. Everybody’s going ‘I lurv Chaz & Raj, and no I’m not bitter about not being in the kool kidz party’ so they don’t get reamed by them, for Pete’s sake!
    Damage to route around. Look, if people make money off of it that’s cool, more than cool, by me. I’ve never been interested in money for blogging. Other people, other goals.

  2. Steven Malcolm Anderson the Lesbian-worshipping man's-man-admiring myth-based egoist Avatar

    That typewriter reminds me of my Dad’s old manual typewriter. He never used an electric typewriter. I used to have an electric typewriter, a Smith-Corona. Those were the days. I liked the font (Eurostyle extended). I made as many typos then as I make today. But, nowadays, at least, I can correct them if I spot them using “delete” or “backspace” without having to throw paper away and start over again. I never did any real writing at all until I got a computer. And yet my Dad, with his manual typewriter, managed to write tests and historical papers and such.

  3. Steven Malcolm Anderson the Lesbian-worshipping man's-man-admiring myth-based egoist Avatar

    A typewriter inside of a pumpkin?
    I just finished re-reading a book on American Right-Wing novels of the Cold War era. The Right is right and has style.

  4. Ironbear Avatar

    I don’t agree that the criticism is “premature”, Eric. That smacks a bit of revisionism on the part of everyone who keeps propogating that meme.
    This is a business venture that’s been in the planning and announcement stage for months now. In that time, they’ve:
    * Changed their business model several times
    * Sent out invites to a huge list of bloggers based on an initial model, only to change models and disinvite some 230 of their initial signups
    * Changed names
    * Appropriated someone else’s trademarked name and business ID within the timeframe of their launch
    * Still have no clear business model stated or posted
    * And that’s without getting into the longer list of ill-concieved and executed business oddities surrounding this.
    I’d say that the criticisms are rather post-mature, myself. ;]
    I’d also say the criticisms are rather mild compared to the level of critique that blogdom in general heaps upon other ventures and massive hoseups. Or upon the MSM for that matter, and OSM’s been behanving in a fashion that resembles what they’re suggesting they supplant.
    They’re getting less hard knocks than Winer did over the blog-hosting fiasco. Less than MoveableType has over their EULA changes. Less than Denton and compatriots did over their ill-concieved “Blogger Ethics Committee”. Less than was heaped upon Huffington’s venture – often by the same people who’re tsk tsking at the OSM snarking.
    Naw. This isn’t premature. This is the type of hard critical look they should have been facing all along on this from the blogosphere.