Happy Memorial Day!

A lot of people are probably traveling, and I’m not going to be around much today. So I’ll leave a travel tip based on something that happened yesterday when I wasn’t looking.
When you’re packing, be sure to check the trunk before you slam it and leave!
Otherwise, this might happen:


Without making a sound, Coco (who’s always trying something) slipped stealthily into the trunk. I’m sure there would have been mysterious noises hours later on the PA Turnpike, but fortunately, she was caught, and dragged out, but only after I allowed her to pose for this public service photo.
Happy Memorial Day!
ONE OTHER REMINDER: while you’re remembering stuff, please remember that this day is also about something important: remembering the veterans and all members of the Armed Forces.
MORE: Are you looking for ways to support the troops? Here’s how.






2 responses to “Happy Memorial Day!”

  1. Steven Malcolm Anderson the Lesbian-worshipping man's-man-admiring myth-based egoist Avatar

    I salute every one of the brave men and women who have given their lives, have risked or are now risking their lives, or have stood or are now standing ready to risk their lives, for our great country, for our freedom. To all our heroic warriors, pas and present, I can only say: Thank you!
    I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God*, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
    (*God, i.e., the Godhead, whether understood as the G-d of Israel, the Holy Trinity of historic Christianity, or the Gods and Goddesses of the ancient Polytheistic faiths of the West)

  2. Steven Malcolm Anderson the Lesbian-worshipping man's-man-admiring myth-based egoist Avatar

    As G. K. Chesterton once pointed out, in any War, honor requires me to name my name and nation. Therefore:
    Name: Steven Malcolm Anderson
    Nation: United States of America