Here’s proof of the impossible!

An incredibly weird thing has happened which I can’t explain, so I am going to attempt a post in order to prove it. Right now, I am online using the Sierra 750 aircard, which delivers Internet via GPRS. The card is a cell phone, and in order to make it work, you must insert the SIM card from the cell phone. What I cannot figure out is why it’s working now without the SIM card!
That’s right; as an experiment I removed the SIM card while online, and amazingly, the signal strength meter stayed the same. Figuring this was a software glitch, I clicked a few links, and the pages opened! Then, I reloaded the pages and they still opened.
Such things cannot be. I figured I must have them saved in memory, but then I did a Google search and that worked.
If I can get this post up there, it will confirm that the aircard works without the SIM card, which I was told is impossible.
If you can read this, I just proved that it is possible.
Miracle, obviously. . .
God is blog.






3 responses to “Here’s proof of the impossible!”

  1. Foobarista Avatar

    If you reboot the thing, it won’t work. It has the info it needs from your sim card loaded in its RAM, and probably will be quite unstable. Your sim card likely has slow access time, so for best performance the info from it is read into RAM when you power up your phone.
    But popping out your sim card while “hot” could cause all sorts of wierdness, and may even be dangerous as it could cause a shock, so any manufacturer worthy of its legal department will tell you to never take it out 🙂

  2. triticale Avatar

    Thank you, Foobarista. I was trying to figure out how many things had to malfunction, and was planning to experiment with an Aircard 750 tomorrow when I got to work. The thing is that I missed that he had hot-popped the Subscriber Identification Module. I know from experience that the Aircard Watcher program will attempt a GPRS attach with a SIM which is not Geepers enabled, and will fail.
    Lately, what I’ve been using is an Ericsson phone cabled to the laptop. The setup is a lot messier because there is a second phone, serving as a signal strength scanner, and both are cabled to a USB port expansion box, but I’ve been happier with the performance of the Internet connection. I actually did a blog post this morning via this lashup.