Social conservatives are crafty. It is always 'I believe in small government "except for...." ' and then the liberals chime in: "I have a few exceptions in mind too." And we are off to the races.
Note: This was originally part of a comment to Eric's If I may strain a strained analogy, how many "legs" are under the Tea Party "stool"?
Commenter Kathy Kinsley liked it so I thought I'd give it a wider audience.
Let me add that Eric's A marginalized Tea Party acceptable to both "sides"? is in the same vein and also was part of the prompt for this post.
Cross Posted at Power and Control
Earlier I read that Republicans are always libertarians when they're out of power.
And once they get power it becomes a "yes, but"!
Too true. Which is why I liked that 'crafty' remark of yours.
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Earlier I read that Republicans are always libertarians when they're out of power.
And once they get power it becomes a "yes, but"!