Birther Madness

Some Birther Madness from Ulsterman's Deep Throat. The she in question is supposed to be Nancy Pelosi. We shall she.

Insider: Well, she was at it again and then she says something along the lines of, "How about I just hand over the goddamn certification file. They want me to go there? Because that's where they're pushing me."

Ulsterman: Certification file? What is that? Do you mean certificate file? Birth certificate?

Insider: Hell if I know - was certification file - assume it has something to do with the whole birther thing - eligibility maybe? Just thought you might want to hear it. Just thought you might find it...interesting! It's an odd thing to say, right? And it's even odder that it was said like that period. The person who shared it with me thought so. Then again, they also said Pelosi was for certain heading out of Congress not so long ago, so who knows anymore. Looks like she's clawing her way back in, the tough old -expletive-. But if you want to chase that particular tail in a circle I thought I'd throw you that bone. Go fetch! (laughs) ...I don't mean to laugh. Hell, fact is people are talking about this subject. Nobody wants to admit it in the open, but they are talking about it. Or whispering at least - but I want nothing to do with that -expletive-. Something like that will get your ass killed. No joke.

This could be the smoking gun. Or just the smoking bong. Only time will tell.

And then the insider goes on to what he considers the real deal.

Insider:....No, let's just stick to the real deal, right? Because THAT is what is going to kick the president's ass - and I'm talking kick that ass right to the goddamn curb! You got that? TO - THE - CURB. You hear the reporting - it's out there. You read it, right? We got the DOJ, we got the bank closures, we got the Rezko sentencing, we got the Blagotrial...all this -expletive - and more...everything is coming together. Everything that has been ignored for too long is finally getting some attention. And these dogs will hunt - I guarantee you that. Those Republicans on the Hill? Oh yeah, those little -expletive- are gonna bring the hammer down on this. They are gonna break every damn thing open until they find it - and they are gonna get help from some Democrats along the way. And you know the president knows it. His people know it. They are all hunkered down, eyes shifting this way and that, wonderin' if it's gonna be this scandal or that scandal or this, that, and the other scandal. One is gonna lead to one is gonna lead to the other.
The Insider thought that Nancy Pelosi would retire so she can covertly release information that will make the investigation easier. But she didn't retire. She got elected minority leader. Insider thought that if that happened the fix was in.

Insider: Ok, so if I'm being told this, being told repeatedly that Speaker Pelosi has had it with the White House, has had it with the president, is gonna help send them all packin' away to political has-been street, and then she actually stays on as party leader, that means something happened. Something changed from what I am being told. Or somebody got it wrong - and either way, I can be -expletive- over on this whole thing. Do you realize how powerful a Speaker of the House really is? And Pelosi is about as tough a Speaker as I've seen. Tough-though lady. Not someone you wanna make an enemy of, right? So...if-if...if she stays on as party leader, that means she was got to. That means she made a deal. And if she was gonna help crack heads over at the White House, that means she probably made a deal with them, right? And that means this information she was supposed to help leak out there to the rest of us, to others, will probably disappear.

Ulsterman: But the Republicans will control Congress. Pelosi won't be Speaker. Seems like that information would still get out there. Why wouldn't it?

Insider: Because the only way the White House would agree to a deal is if they were given that information to keep for themselves or had assurances it as no longer available. They are not going to just allow Pelosi to keep holding it over them. You see, the White House was sending out strong signals that Pelosi must go. I know this. I heard it first hand from members of Congress. She is gone. So if she all of a sudden stays, and stays as leader of the party, that means the White House stopped pushing for her to be gone. And that means a deal was made. And THAT means I'm left scrambling for cover in all of this. And so is everyone who has been talking to me. The Republicans don't take over until 2011, right? Whatever information Pelosi has on Obama - and she has it. Don't you doubt that. She's got it. Well, that information could easily be no more by January. Bye-bye, gone. Replaced, misplaced - never was, never will be again. That -expletive- happens all the time. I mean all the time.

Well there is way more on the Ulsterman site. It will be interesting to see who double crosses whom first.

The Insider's final thoughts should Pelosi be elected Minority Leader? Duck and cover kid. Duck and -expletive- cover... Well she was elected. We live in interesting times. Way too interesting.

Update: The very latest on the birther question. Well latest to me. Sept. 26 this year. It discusses the certification file. It also makes some unwarranted assumptions (they so want this to be true). So be careful out there. I did find it helpful when it comes to keeping up with the latest birther angle. Who knows? There may be something to this one.

I have some confirmation of the birther question link information here. Purported copies of the two different types of certification. Curiouser and curiouser.

I just had an odd thought. What if the above is Hillary's words being put in Pelosi's mouth and Deep Throat is Carville? This stuff will drive you nuts.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 11.21.10 at 07:36 AM


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The linked piece says this:

Based upon the Constitutional provision stated in Article 2 Section 1 which proclaimed that no candidate could run for the office of president unless they were a natural born citizen, obviously the requirement had not been met. The Constitution also specifically states that dual citizens are expressly excluded from running for office of the presidency.

There is no constitutional provision anywhere requiring certification, nor does the Constitution "specifically state that dual citizens are expressly excluded from running for office of the presidency."

While Obama may or may not have been properly certified by the DNC, that is not an issue of constitutional dimension. The argument that a dual citizen by birth is not a natural born citizen is the legal opinion of those who promote it, based on their interpretation of "natural born." (An argument which I think would be summarily rejected even assuming it ever came before the Supreme Court.)

Here's what Art 2, Sec 1 says:


No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.


Eric Scheie   ·  November 21, 2010 12:06 PM

Yep. I looked at the article you link to in the update, but as soon as I saw this passage: "The Constitution also specifically states that dual citizens are expressly excluded from running for office of the presidency" I knew that there couldn't possibly be anything worth reading in the rest of it. That passage is a blatant lie, and I cannot fathom how any intelligent and honest person can pay attention to anything else the author has to say. Why would you link to such an article, except to ridicule it?

Milhouse   ·  November 21, 2010 01:34 PM


This stuff will drive you nuts.

M. Simon   ·  November 21, 2010 06:23 PM

Why link? Well the birther stuff interests me. I link to what interests me. You are not required to read it.


There are some who wish that this President could be made to go away with the wave of a wand. This birther stuff is evidence of their longing.


My theory is that we got into this mess because the Republican Party became the social issues party. "As long as you are right on social issues - spending doesn't much matter."

M. Simon   ·  November 21, 2010 06:30 PM

Yeah - what Eric said. And what Milhouse said.

However, IF our president were legally (by Hawaiian law) adopted by his Indonesian (Soerto) father, and IF his mother requested Indonesian citizenship. Then, there might be a problem. Indonesia does NOT allow dual citizenship.

If he's legally adopted by the laws of his state that could also explain why he has no long-form certificate.

Adoptees are legally nonpersons in most states - they are not permitted to see their original birth certificates.

Kathy K   ·  November 21, 2010 06:43 PM

Milhouse, Kathy,

Uh. The post is titled Birther Maddness.

I thought it interesting that Republicans certify one way for all states and the Ds do it differently depending on the state. Seems curios. It also is a "fact" that no one so far (sceptic or believer) denies.

As I pointed out in the article: I don't think you can jump from that fact to "he is ineligible". My exact words: It also makes some unwarranted assumptions (they so want this to be true). So be careful out there.

I'm sorry - I had no idea of the amount of emotion invested in this topic by the sceptics. Will I be more careful in the future? Maybe. Maybe not.

M. Simon   ·  November 21, 2010 07:57 PM

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