A Copenhagen Interpretation

It appears that there will be no anti-plant food (CO2) bill from Congress in time for the anti-plant food summit in Copenhagen this December. Carol Browner, head of the EPA, says so.

"Obviously, we'd like to be through the process, but that's not going to happen," Browner said. "I think we would all agree the likelihood you would have a bill signed by the president on comprehensive energy by the time we go early in December is not likely."
Why not? Well the bills would require cutting America's CO2 production by about 20% in ten years.

Something that is logistically impossible. So is Congress giving in to logistics? Of course not. They are giving in to those who do not want to see drastic rises in their electric, gas, and oil bills and those who do not want to see rolling electrical black outs.

Carol does get a good whine in about the situation.

Browner said the U.S. could still take a leading role at the Copenhagen talks, even without a new climate law.

"We will go to Copenhagen and manage with whatever we have," she said.

Which is nothing. Which corresponds exactly to what she should have.

What should believers in CO2 catastrophe be doing? Working on energy sources that produce no CO2 output. And not just working on them. They have to get the costs below the costs of our current sources of energy. Once that happens no laws or subsidies will be required to make the transition happen. Profit will make it happen. You know. Markets and capitalism.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 10.05.09 at 02:01 PM


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A 20% reduction in CO2 emissions is easy. Shut down 20% of industry and agriculture and kill 60 million Americans (OK by me if I get to chose). Of course, the dead bodies must be preserved so they don't decay and emit both CO2 and worse CH4.

Bob Sykes   ·  October 5, 2009 02:58 PM

It is insane that this eco-religion has achieved such prominence so quickly. Just a few decades from being a joke to enforcing mandatory daily ablutions (recycling) from the citizenry of hundreds of millions of people across the planet.

This must be what it felt like to be a pagan Roman during the spread of Christianity -- or an Arab during the early years of Islam. You go from mocking the new cult to being ruled by the dietary laws of their priestly caste in a single lifetime.

chris   ·  October 5, 2009 07:20 PM

What True Believers should do is be quiet and disassociate themselves from their former remarks.

The tide seems to be turning on the deception and the misinformation that has been put forth to make this robbery law of the law.

When your name is publically on this rip-off, best to lay low unless one choses to publicly recant.

Whitehall   ·  October 5, 2009 07:51 PM

This must be what it felt like to be a pagan Roman during the spread of Christianity -- or an Arab during the early years of Islam. You go from mocking the new cult to being ruled by the dietary laws of their priestly caste in a single lifetime.

Well put. I've seen this happen with so many things. I remember when smoking was tolerated, as were dogs with testicles. Now these things generate calls to the police.

The bandwagon mentality makes things move quickly. But if enough people wake up, it can be made to work both ways. From a green perspective, right now is a very poor economic time to be pushing for AGW-based restrictions. If they had any sense, they'd back off and wait for a convenient "crisis."

Eric Scheie   ·  October 5, 2009 08:31 PM


The greenies have to push hard now. Why? Because there's been no evidence of warming for 10 years! We may be entering another Maunder Minimum! The cult of global warming is about to be unmasked as the no-science faith-based cult it truly is. The True Believers need to get all the control systems in place now, before the jig is up, or it'll take years to build up The Next Great Environmental Catastrophe Scare.

By the way, how's the Ozone Hole goin' for ya?

Rhodium Heart   ·  October 5, 2009 09:30 PM

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