Even though I have absolutely no time for such nonsense, the brilliant Ghost of a Flea has steered me to an online test which is supposed to tell you which political diva you are.

According to the test, I am Karen Hughes:

You are...Karen Hughes!
You are...Karen Hughes, former White House advisor!
You have to be at the heart of the action, but
not necessarily on the front lines...you thrive
on strategy, and the intricacy of politics, but
you don't necessarily want the glory. Working
behind the scenes, you do your best to be a mom
and a loyal advisor...and when push comes to
shove, you have your priorities in line.

What Political Diva Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Does this mean that the president will finally listen to me?

He better! Because the title of this post is a palindrome, and they're pretty hard to write especially when you're stuck with a sucky-ass modem and you have no time and you're really supposed to be writing about Classical Values instead of Divas and motorcycles, and, well, DOGS! Yes, I had to take a dog test because if I am a political diva, how am I to evaluate my bitchiness? And aren't Divas supposed to be high bitches of some camp or another?

Here's one dictionary definition:

noun an outstandingly glamorous woman or drag queen, especially a performer: a dance diva; disco divas.

"Diva" might be a slang modern word, but it is also an ancient Roman word of veneration -- Latin for "goddess." The word was used to deify important Roman women -- such as "DIVA FAUSTINA" (wife of Antoninus Pius -- mourned, deified by the Senate, and featured on this widely-circulated denarius).

Hey, who says I'm neglecting Classical Values anyway? And I'm supposed to be on vacation, or at least the road....

Anyway, a Diva is also an Italian term for a female opera star, such as Maria Callas.

Somehow, all of this Diva stuff led me to dogs. Why, I am not sure. Doubtless more of my own pathology. But, in my dogged efforts to maintain symmetry in this posting, I first tested myself to see which dog I most closely resemble.

And I got this:

You're an Akita. A very loyal breed, you'll do
anything for everyone else without thinking
anything of it. There is one problem though...
you just can't seem to get over wanting to eat
small dogs for snacks... tsk tsk. and you're
floofy floofy

What breed of dog are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Eat small dogs for snacks?


That's not funny at all, and I would never do such a thing. It reminds me of a political scandal which, fortunately, seems to have died down lately. (Something my blogfather hoped would not come up during the campaign....) Anyway, I deny puppy eating indignantly! I don't even trust Korean Restaurants, I am so dog-loyal.

Notwithstanding any of that, I had to push the dog-diva connection to its ultimate conclusion, and frankly, I was amazed to find that there is a web site featuring canine Divas. As if that wasn't good enough, they're pit bulls!

If that doesn't merit a palindrome, what does?

posted by Eric on 08.06.03 at 05:48 PM


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Step on no pets. Yawn a more Roman way!

Ghost of a flea   ·  August 7, 2003 03:13 PM

Yawn--Madonna fan? No damn way!

Top step's pup's pet spot.

Eric   ·  August 8, 2003 04:00 AM

I urge you, gentlemen, stop now. This can only get worse. Really.

John Jenkins   ·  August 8, 2003 06:21 AM

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