Good Bye GOP

(About a minute and a half)

And why is he so pissed off? This video provides a clue.

(About two and a half minutes)


(About a minute)

Because the Party Chooses the Candidates.

Instead of holding a statewide primary or caucus like most states, Colorado employs a series of local, congressional-district and statewide gatherings where people compete to be delegates. That months-long process wrapped up on Saturday.

Cruz spoke in Colorado before continuing on to Las Vegas for an appearance before the Republican Jewish Coalition. Neither Trump nor Kasich attended Colorado’s convention. Both sent surrogates to pitch their messages.

So party insiders have an advantage when it comes to inside the party delegate selection. That is fine in most years when the Party’s selection matches the voter’s selection. This year there is no match. And the people who feel robbed are mad as hell.

No matter who gets the Republican nomination the Republican Party is toast.

Just one point of the discontent – The Republicans control the House of Representatives where spending bills must originate. Why are they still funding Obamacare? On top of that The Senate must agree to any funding bill. It is controlled by the Republicans too. Why is Obamacare still funded?

I’m supposing that the companies who benefit from Obamacare bought the Congress.

It also appears a Ted Cruz PAC bought the Iowa caucus for him.

Ted Cruz’s Leadership PAC, the Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund has been handing out RINO money since he took office. For this cycle though, despite the fact that he has plenty of money in it, the only money he has been handing out is to… you guessed it – Iowa lawmakers.

PACs buying politicians. What will they think of next? PACs giving money to opposing candidates is what. I wonder if those PACs will be supporting Hillary if Trump gets the nomination? I’d rate that as highly likely.






14 responses to “Good Bye GOP”

  1. Simon Avatar


    I’m not so sure. Both parties have lost the trust of the voters.

    That is something that is difficult to regain.

    What people are waking up to this year is the corruption of the System. Who you vote for makes no difference. The only people who count are the people who buy the politicians.

    The marks are wising up.

  2. CapitalistRoader Avatar

    Simon, almost all political power has accrued to the national government so that’s where the money goes. One stop shopping; no, messy, 50 laboratories of democracy hence no, messy dividing up the campaign contributions to thousands of state lawmakers. Just 536 potential national graft targets.

    There is one major party candidate who talks the talk:

    We should shrink the size and power of the federal government by every and any means possible. What does that mean? That means eliminating unnecessary or unconstitutional agencies.

    But would he actually do so if he were to win? Who knows?

  3. CapitalistRoader Avatar

    BTW, Trump didn’t even bother gracing us with he royal presence. I guess CO is just too much of a backwater for The Donald to consider landing his 757 in. Flyover country. Buncha’ hicks.

    Guess who did come to Colorado and stump for those delegates?

  4. Simon Avatar


    The “Constitutionalist” has never mentioned the missing Drug Prohibition Amendment.

    I don’t trust him. But there are plenty of reasons that he can be trusted. I’m probably just an outlier.

    Thank the maker the Bushes support him or people wouldn’t know who to vote for.

    I am also heartened that his wife co-authored a paper on the North American Union for the CFR.

    And those Goldman Sachs and Citi Bank loans prove he can be trusted by banks anyway.

  5. Simon Avatar

    And CR,

    I suppose because Trump didn’t show up in Colorado his supporters should be disenfranchised.

    Your logic is impeccable.

    What you are not counting on is people getting upset over stuff like that.

    I was one of the first to post these videos. But from what I have seen they have gone viral. In less than 10 hours.

    That is not going to be good for Teddy-O.

  6. Simon Avatar


    Ted makes no mention of abolishing the DEA. Why did he leave out that Police State agency?

  7. CapitalistRoader Avatar

    “Thank the maker the Bushes support him or people wouldn’t know who to vote for.”

    The Bushes don’t have much choice. Jeb’s gone, Christie’s gone, Rubio’s gone. It’s either Cruz or Kasich. And Kasich has won, what, exactly one state? Or they could draft Ryan, just like the Dem party bosses drafted Stevenson in ’52.

    IMHO both Trump and Kasich are Democrats in everything but name. Drafting Ryan would be suicidal. So the GOP party bosses are stuck with Ted.

    RCP polls show Trump, Cruz, and except in a couple of states Kasich getting trounced by both Hillary and Sanders so I’m not going to get too excited over who the GOP will pick.

    “Your logic is impeccable.”

    Thank you. Half the battle is just showing up. Trump lost the CO battle because he didn’t show up.

  8. Simon Avatar


    If you go by what the Republican Congress has done – they are ALL Democrats. Including Brother Ted.

    You know how the game is played – if Ted needs to vote against a bill to prove his “conservative” bonafides he will be given that opportunity. Then there will be a voice vote (unrecorded) and the ayes (or nays as required) will have it.

    When he gets to be President he will not be able to shut down those agencies because Congress won’t let him. Or Civil Service rules will prevent it. Or the Supreme Court will rule against it. Or some other excuse.

    And guess what? Ted is now owned by the Bushes. That is what that endorsement means.

    From what I can tell you still believe that there may be an honest politician somewhere in the US who can “get things done”. I hold a different opinion.

    Can Trump do anything about it? Doubtful. But given the choice I’d prefer to be entertained vs preached at.


    For the LULZ

  9. Simon Avatar


    So disqualifying Trump supporters because Trump didn’t come to Colorado is honest politics?

    You definition of honesty appears to differ somewhat from mine.

    And if all politics is dishonest and Cruz has been a player for a long time…..

    Well he is owned by someone. The Bushes. Citi Bank. Goldman Sachs. Hell – he is married to Goldman Sachs.

    And Trump? I’m wondering why no one is outing who he is owned by?

  10. CapitalistRoader Avatar

    ‘From what I can tell you still believe that there may be an honest politician somewhere in the US who can “get things done”.’

    Nothing could be further from the truth. I’m a registered Libertarian. If that’s truly what you think of me then your impression of me is 180° off.

    “You definition of honesty appears to differ somewhat from mine.”

    Check out this story over at the Detroit Free Press. It seems as if Kasich—a long time, experienced politician—switched horses and teamed up with Trump’s MI state organization to shut out Cruz from that state’s delegates.

    But I’m not going to go whining about it. It’s politics. And why get excited about it anyway? The way it’s looking now the GOP will almost certainly lose.

  11. Simon Avatar

    I probably should be more explicit.

    Voters should choose the candidates. Primaries.

    Party bosses choosing the candidates makes it cheaper to buy elections.

    Elections have the further advantage in that they give the appearance of “consent of the governed”.

    I was 16 when Kennedy got elected. I remember listening to election returns on WGN and hearing about missing ballot boxes in Chicago. They turned up an hour or two later. Kennedy won that election. Nixon didn’t complain. He could have.

    I remember he was generally thanked for not airing America’s dirty laundry.

    I think it is past time to air the dirty laundry.

    Consent of the governed has considerable value. It prevents mobs in the streets.

    In an era when any idiot can start a “newspaper” for the price of an Internet connection the oligarchs are going to have to do a better job of hiding their backroom deals. Or start making them in the open.

    Honest crooks. That would be a welcome change.

    Pick your owners. Because we are ALL enslaved to the National debt.

  12. Simon Avatar

    And one other thing.

    In MI were Cruz delegates sent home? Or were they out voted.

    I think it makes a difference.

  13. […] I were having a nice friendly discussion about “caucus vote stealing” in Colorado at Good Bye GOP. He asked how Trump supporters joining with Kasich supporters in Michigan to sweep the caucus votes […]