Alternate Headline – Armed Churchgoer Stops Rampage Shooting

Except it is not an alternate headline – it happened in Aurora, Colorado.

“Police said two vehicles ended up in the church parking lot after some sort of argument between the drivers. Police said one vehicle was chasing the other. The man who was being chased got out of his vehicle and entered the church and told people to take cover. A woman came out of the church to see what was happening in the parking lot and got shot.

Police said an off-duty officer was at a service and went outside and shot the man who shot the woman”

If only some of those people at church in South Carolina had been armed.

“After a shooting spree, they always want to take guns from the people who didn’t do it.” -William S. Burroughs.

Eric sent me an example of “take the guns from the people who didn’t do it“.






27 responses to “Alternate Headline – Armed Churchgoer Stops Rampage Shooting”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    How about fox news shut down for supporting terrorism along with hate talk radio. Nra leaders arrested for aiding and abetting domestic terrorism!

  2. CapitalistRoader Avatar

    Nate Silver has a nice graph comparing homicide rates between the different countries and also between US blacks and whites. Nate weasels in the end with a the statement …both black and white homicide victims are much more likely to be killed by someone of their own race. when he could have provided the official numbers showing that blacks kill twice as many whites each year than whites kill blacks.

  3. TheAJ Avatar

    Typical victim blaming.

  4. Simon Avatar

    The AJ,

    Uh. I take it you have a “Gun Free Zone” sign in front of your house?

    You will note that this scum did not go where his intended victims might be armed.

    Killing unarmed people is easier than killing armed people. Noting that fact is “victim blaming”?

    So now noting facts is victim blaming? Has the virus infected you?

  5. Simon Avatar


    The number for Blacks is distorted by Prohibition. It will be interesting to see if those numbers change once Prohibition ends.

  6. TheAj Avatar


    Yes. It is.

    When a person is a victim of a crime, I typically reserve my compassion for the victim and my “what-if” analysis for the perpetrator.

    But that’s just me.

  7. CapitalistRoader Avatar

    When a person is a victim of a crime, I typically reserve my compassion for the victim…

    Then save up your compassion as I have a feeling that this summer we’ll see a lot more murder motivated by racism, egged on by the Grievance Administration. And other racially motivated crimes: knockout game, “urban” teenagers mobbing and looting stores, etc. I hope I’m wrong.

    What I really like about the Obama Administration is all the racial healing.

  8. Simon Avatar


    So you have a “Gun Free Zone” sign in front of your house?


    We have a special name for the kind of victim blaming I’m doing. Darwin Awards.

    Otherwise known as “Suicide by Stupidity”

    But OK. I’m very sorry the church people were stupid. It is not their fault.

  9. TheAj Avatar

    Capitalist Roader:

    Get a grip dude. Crime has been declining for the last 25 years. I am willing to bet your craggedy ass probably lives nowhere near any black people so you should consider working about more pressing concerns instead of the shit you read in Dylan’s manifesto (I mean, isn’t it ironic that you’re basically parroting his talking points). Get out more. Meet people. Meet black people. They aren’t minions of Fuhrer Obama.

  10. TheAJ Avatar


    Good point. If they had guns, nobody would have died. I mean, everyone knows, as long as there is a good guy with a gun, no one ever dies.

    See, for example, last month’s classic case of self-defense:

  11. Simon Avatar

    Meeting black people is not hard for me. I have one living with me. My best friend. We also are doing some work together.

    He is the CIT.

  12. Simon Avatar

    The AJ,

    There is reason to believe the police started the shooting.

    Defendants and eyewitnesses complain of unjust mass arrests; lawyer tells Reason ‘it was mainly the police shooting at sitting ducks’

  13. Simon Avatar

    At the church shooting I linked one person other than the shooter died.

    I never expect perfect. My calibration is “better” or “worse”.

  14. Simon Avatar

    Let us look at things. About 23% of American women own a gun. Do you propose disarming them? Making it more difficult for them to get guns?

  15. CapitalistRoader Avatar

    Oh, Theag, when facts fail to fit your politically korrect narrative, you go all ad hominem.

    Typically leftist. Herbert Marcuse would be proud.

  16. TheAJ Avatar


    I make a comment that crime is falling (which . . . you can confirm through any statistics from the major crime bureaus) and you respond with . . . an IQ chart?

    Are you stupid?

  17. TheAJ Avatar

    Simon: No I don’t propose disarming them or making it more difficult. You and I probably share similar views on gun control, if you weren’t so zealous in your hatred of “leftists” you might consider that.

    There’s a story every day of a 5 year old kid accidently shooting his 3 year old sister after getting his hands on daddy’s guns. Anecdotes don’t really prove anything and they go both directions.

    As far as “gun control” I believe it should be up to the communities and states to decide what they think is best for themselves.

  18. Simon Avatar

    When guns were a more accepted part of the culture we used to trust 12 yos with them.

    The war on gun culture has removed gun safety from our cultural heritage. That is a mistake.

  19. CapitalistRoader Avatar

    @Theag: Trigger Warning. Be sure to be near your safe place before reading:

    Compare the top ten murder rate cities in the US with the Census Bureau’s estimate of % black:

    1) East St. Louis, IL: 98%
    2) Camden, NJ: 48%
    3) Gary, IN: 85%
    4) Chester, PA: 75%
    5) Saginaw, MI: 45%
    6) Flint, MI: 57%
    7) Detroit, MI: 83%
    8) Trenton, NJ: 52%
    9) New Orleans, LA: 60%
    10) Newark, NJ: 52%

    The entire US is 13% black.

    Do you see a pattern here?

  20. TheAJ Avatar

    What part of “crime is down” do you not understand?

    Yes, blacks commit me crime. Your craggedy old ass probably refuses to live anywhere near black people,so why do you care about what happens in Camden. YOU WILL BE FINE. Move to Idaho maybe?

  21. TheAJ Avatar

    Simon: Incredible. Typical libertarian. Your own kind is infallible, and whenever you’re own kind does something wrong, it’s someone else’s fault.

    So much for personal responsibility. You guys never take on any.

  22. Simon Avatar


    Of course I take personal responsibility. I have never killed anyone in my entire life. And I have no intention to do so except in self defense.

    “After a shooting spree, they always want to take guns from the people who didn’t do it.” -William S. Burroughs.

  23. Simon Avatar


    Please explain again why I should want to disarm anyone who hasn’t misused a weapon and who is not mentally ill?

    BTW Dylann Storm’s acquisition of a weapon was against the law. He had a felony pending.

    Shouldn’t you be raging against the people who didn’t enforce the law? Or those who didn’t follow it?

    And please tell me how well Drug Prohibition is working. Will Gun Prohibition work as well?

  24. Simon Avatar


    No licensing or registration, open carry, no permits (carry or concealed carry), legalized suppressors (just passed 17 June), no mag restrictions, no “AW” laws, no NFA restrictions.

    May carry open or concealed without permit as long as you are a citizen of the U.S. or a lawfully admitted alien, and not otherwise prohibited from possessing firearms under state or federal law.

    All of the above apply to both long guns and handguns

    49th in gun murders.


    Maybe we should be following Vermont’s example.

  25. Frank Avatar

    As far as “gun control” I believe it should be up to the communities and states to decide what they think is best for themselves.

    Have you ever studied logic? You are advocating states rights. That means you if you are consistent you should approve what Lester Maddox and George Wallace did. They were just practicing local control and states rights.

    No? You didn’t mean THAT!? Then get your head out of your ass and read the Constitution, specifically the 2nd Amendment. It is just as applicable as the 14th was when George Wallace bypassed equal protection.

  26. CapitalistRoader Avatar


    Your craggedy old ass probably refuses to live anywhere near black people,so why do you care about what happens in Camden. YOU WILL BE FINE. Move to Idaho maybe?

    I care because they are human beings and don’t deserve to be shot down dead.

    I’ve never been but I have a feeling Idaho would be too boring. I enjoy living in the inner city so that’s where I’ll stay.

    Never resort to name calling – even if your opponent does. You must attack your opponent’s argument – not their person. As soon as you begin to criticize your opponent, it becomes obvious that you have run out of ways to defend your view. These types of insults (ad hominem) are a sure way to lose a debate.