Eric Cantor Loses To TEA Party Libertarian

From the comments to this Reason article on Eric Cantor vs David Brat.

from Brat’s c.v.:

“An Analysis of the Moral Foundations in Ayn Rand” by Katy Holland and David Brat, presented and published in the proceedings of Southeast Informs, Myrtle Beach, SC, October 6, 2010

Whole thing here:


Note: Cantor spent $5.4 million on his campaign. Brat spent $200,000. I blame money in politics. In any case it looks like we will have another vote for ending prohibition in the next Congress.

Cantor on Drugs. NORML rates him at -20 i.e. staunch prohibitionist.






8 responses to “Eric Cantor Loses To TEA Party Libertarian”

  1. captain arizona Avatar
    captain arizona

    Ayn rand had the hots for william hickman a serial killer who she wrote love letters to in jail this is who john galt is. No amnesty for illegal alien children now by g.o.p.! Democrats now get latinos as well as blacks good by republican party your through! Mrs President get used to it. I will kiss the mexicans and black and you Bill kiss the asians and jews and we will stay in the white house for as long as we choose! Then are first democrat latina president. 5,000,000 more minority kids turn 18(voting age)every election cycle!

  2. Neil Avatar

    Witness the power of this fully operational Tea Party…

  3. Just a guy Avatar
    Just a guy

    Your fixation on the drug issue is getting worse.

  4. Joseph Hertzlinger Avatar

    Wouldn’t you expect an objectivist to be pro-immigration?

  5. Simon Avatar

    Just a guy June 11th, 2014 (#):

    Your fixation on the drug issue is getting worse.

    Ah. you don’t object to full up Gestapo style raids with battering rams at 3AM?

    You don object to throwing thermite grenades into baby’s cribs?

    You don’t object to racist enforcement?

    You don’t object to no Constitutional Amendment for the Federales?

    You don’t object to denying people medicine?

    OK. You are a good German.

  6. Simon Avatar

    Asset forfeiture.

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  8. Eric Scheie Avatar

    “Your fixation on the drug issue is getting worse.”

    Calling an opinion on a major issue a “fixation” which is “getting worse” in no way rebuts that opinion. It is simply condescending and rude, and the failure to present any rebutting argument on the merits speaks for itself.