Speaking of anthropomorphism…

Er, maybe I’ve got things reversed.

But I do have a question.

Why are veterinarians more sympathetic to their animal patients than doctors are to their human patients?

When poor old Puff developed back problems in his old age, the vets couldn’t have been nicer. They (I moved around so I had several) just wanted to help. Any way they could.

So why is it that when people develop similar problems in their old age, doctors regard them with barely concealed contempt and even hatred?

(Perhaps I should stop asking rhetorical questions.)






7 responses to “Speaking of anthropomorphism…”

  1. captain*arizona Avatar

    New mercedes benz models cost to much money for vets to get a down payment by doing an unecessary operation!

  2. Veeshir Avatar

    Because people suck and dogs are far better than we deserve.

    Don’t ask me why they feel that way about cats.

  3. Simon Avatar

    This link (from your post) http://updates.pain-topics.org/2011/01/why-practitioners-dislike-chronic-pain.html explains it.

    The short hand version – Drug Prohibition.

  4. Neil Avatar

    Opiate prohibition, yes, but people with chronic pain conditions are also very, very cranky. I’m guessing that makes things not fun.

  5. Christopher Avatar

    They see too much of them selves and are disgusted.

  6. Edward Lunny Avatar
    Edward Lunny

    Perhaps because the reimbursement that you pay your vets is based upon the competition and can cover their expenses and lifestyle. Additionally there aren’t, perhaps, regulators interrogating them about every prescription they write. Unlike their regular doctor “cousins” whom are interrogated and regulated and cost controlled within an inch of their lives. Finally, all of this overt intimidation and regulation on doctors doesn’t help their attitudes to any degree. Just a thought.

  7. c andrew Avatar
    c andrew

    Very good point. With the present regulatory regime an MD who actually works to mitigate pain places his liberty, his practice, and his very life (given the propensity of deploying SWAT for non-violent crimes) in the hands of any politically ambitious prosecutor’s whim.