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  1. Man Mountain Molehill Avatar
    Man Mountain Molehill

    Being a libertarian I could not in good faith recommend banning tobacco – it’s a voluntary activity. But by banning doctors we could save 195,000 lives every year.

  2. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    @ Man Mountain – I’ll second that. LOL.

  3. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    But you’ll note that Obama, being a smoker, is intending to go for GUN control.

    Good way to stimulate the economy; I suspect gun sales are going to go through the roof…

  4. Eric Scheie Avatar

    Medical errors is now the number two cause of death. With the government taking over, maybe it will beat out smoking!

  5. Brett Avatar

    The right’s biggest tactical error was jumping on the anti-tobacco bandwagon with the left. This was the first and most successful assault on a long-standing American custom, and it left the right powerless to deny further depredations.

    Don’t let the numbers frighten you: they have been generated by communists, and all communists are liars. The government whores called medical professionals simply attribute all non-accidental deaths of smokers to their smoking, with no further analysis than “it must be so. I’m a doctor, and that settles it.” If you’ve fallen for the scam that environmental tobacco smoke is a mass killer, you deserve to live under tyranny.

  6. Simon Avatar


    I was aware of some of that re: tobacco.

    i.e. if you lived to 105 and smoked tobacco – tobacco killed you.

  7. Kathy Kinsley Avatar
    Kathy Kinsley

    Almost right. If you lived to 105 and smoked tobacco till you were 20 – tobacco killed you. If you lived to 105 and ever were exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke – tobacco killed you.

    My mother has lung cancer – she never smoked – and hasn’t been exposed to even second-hand smoke in 3 decades. But it has to be tobacco. Her habit of doing things like using clorox or ammonia – damned near full strength – to clean floors (with no ventilation) couldn’t possibly have anything to do with irritating her lungs. NOPE. Was obviously tobacco.

  8. Matt Avatar

    This is a little late but the homicide stats in the chart are wrong. 16799 is all American homicides combined, 11493 is number of firearm homicides alone. Homicides excluding firearms would be 5306. Source is CDC FastStats “Assault or Homicide.”

    I don’t even understand why 2nd Amendment supporters, intent on providing an armed backstop against government tyranny, can’t just say “yes, guns are deadly — that’s why we need to keep them.” The joke that knives/ropes/clubs are as effective as guns when it comes to murder can easily be reversed: if knives are equally effective deadly weapons, why can’t you fight agents of a tyrannical government with knives instead of rifles? Why can’t people just keep knives in the house or car for protection against criminals? Why is “bring a knife to a gun fight” such a funny expression?