A Typical Prohibitionist?

Eric in his post The Most Important Drug War Film I’ll Never See? linked to this Forbes article where I found this comment:

The War on Drugs needs to be replaced with an all-out War Against Drug Dealers to include:
– Death penalty for 2nd & 3rd time offenders, as optional for juries and judges to apply.
– Death penalty for 1st time offenders who are in law enforcement, but make it mandatory. NO SECOND CHANCE.
– Set stiff fines for drug users based on ability to pay, increase their incarceration period to make it intolerable to be a drug user.
– Resort to all the tactics used against terrorist to wipe out the cartel drug leaders everywhere.
– Target government officials everywhere who are assisting drug cartel leaders and go for the ones with greater power, and use the same anti-terrorists tactics against these criminals: WIPE THEM OUT!
– Give top drug cartel leaders 90 to 180 days to appear in court in their home country or in the U. S. and send special forces after that to kill them and at that point forget about arresting them. JUST KILL THE ANIMALS!
– There should be more drug testing of government and private employees, and fire repeat drug offenders from the work-place, but dismiss any fire-fighter, cop or other fist responder on the first proven drug test failure. ZERO TOLERANCE.

A call for “eliminating demand” in the context of the rant is a call for the elimination of 30 million people. Genocide.

This is not your typical prohibitionist. Although given the sample I have run into this person is not atypical either. What happens when the left starts parading this sort of thing around as the typical Republican? The Republican Party IS at this time THE Prohibitionist Party after all. It will discredit all the good ideas (economic mostly) the Republicans stand for.

Well it is interesting to watch a political party commit suicide in real time.

Let me add that I made the Holocaust analogy, which was also made at the end of the film discussed by Eric and Forbes, 13 years ago in How To Put an End to Drug Users a review of R. L. Miller’s book Drug Warriors and Their Prey.

I just checked with Amazon and “Drug Warriors” is featured as a text book. The Republicans are in bigger trouble than I thought.






22 responses to “A Typical Prohibitionist?”

  1. Eric Avatar

    Hey thanks! (Although the topic is extremely depressing, you are right as always.)

  2. gottarideduc Avatar

    Congratulations Simon! With yet another smooth, gratuitous inference, you have now convinced me that you are really a Democrat hack. It’s just amazing how you tie Republicans to some comment without any evidence whatsoever. Shame on you! You are just another regressive propagandist, my friend.
    Too bad, I used to recommend classicalvalues.

  3. Simon Avatar


    Well yeah. You could be right. But I see this sort of thing re: drugs from Republicans and Republican sites rather frequently. I have yet to see this from the Democrats.

    In any case – my point is somewhat different had you read more closely.

    It will be ascribed to Republicans

    Plausibly in my opinion.

  4. gottarideduc Avatar

    And while we’re at it, how about linking to the comment right above the one you cite, the one by catherinefitzpatrick? She’s raising some interesting points. Actually, she’s spot-on. But in your regressive-libertarian bubble, you can’t see the forest for the trees.

  5. Simon Avatar

    Take Newt G. for instance:


    I believe that is the starting point for the above noted comment.

  6. Simon Avatar

    Execute Drug Users? – Newt Gingrich


    So I have at least a point of reference.

  7. gottarideduc Avatar

    Come on guy. Give me a break!. You wrote “republican” 4 times! And now you want to tell me, the point is different? Please, don’t insult your readers’ intelligence. Have you actually ever hung out with Republicans? Where do you get your info? Huffington Post?

  8. Simon Avatar

    And this guy has a conservative mom advocating death for drug users.


    I dunno. These examples weren’t hard to find. And a cursory search turned up no one on the left making that argument in this day and age.

  9. Simon Avatar

    Wait. Are you saying Newt isn’t a Republican?

    Got a link for that?

  10. Simon Avatar

    My point was to point out how regressive some Republicans are on the issue and how that will be used to hurt all Republicans.

  11. gottarideduc Avatar

    Oh my, nice vid. The young turks. Cool. Ok, so Gingrich said this when? 1995? And that represents the opinion of the entire Republican party on the last day of 2012? Sure.

  12. gottarideduc Avatar

    Yeah, you’re right it will be used. That’s because the regressives use anything for their purpose, true, false or in between. After all, since they own the MSM, they don’t need to fear to be called on it.
    Step 2 of propaganda 101. Step 3 is intimidation. Already starting. Step 4 is violence.

  13. Simon Avatar

    No. Gigrich said it in 2011. Look at the date on the link.

    BTW the way to prevent the inevitable is to get Republicans to come out with something radical.

    Maybe – “Drugs are a medical issue.”

    Or “Prohibition isn’t working and we should try something else.”

    You have to work in the environment as it is, not as you wish it was.

  14. gottarideduc Avatar

    Let’s leave it. I got a party to go to. You’re barking up the wrong tree. It’s not the Republicans hell-bent on destroying this Republic, it’s the regressives. Get this fiscal house in order and the economy going. That’s where the Republicans are really clueless and spineless.
    Good New Year to all!

  15. Simon Avatar

    Face it. Currently the Republicans are the Prohibition Party. Of the 25% – 30% of the population in the Republican base about half are staunch prohibitionists.

    If the Party gave up on its base they would lose elections. If it keeps its base it will lose elections. Tough position.

  16. Simon Avatar

    The Democrats use these side issues to beat Republicans on the issues where the Republicans are correct. They have been doing it forever.

    And the Republicans fall for it. Almost every time.

  17. Darleen Avatar


    drug dealers = Jews? Really? THAT is a convincing argument to legalize drugs?

    pretty damned disgusting

  18. Simon Avatar


    Perhaps you ought to read “Drug Warriors” to find out why?

    Or perhaps you might deign to read a review:


    Or you could parade your ignorance on the subject.

    “You cannot be sure you are right unless you understand the arguments against your views better than your opponents do.” – Milton Friedman

    How will you understand an argument you are not even familiar with in the slightest?

    argumentum ad ignorantium

  19. […] A Typical Prohibitionist? Corruption, like a cancer … eats faster and faster every hour. The revenue creates pensioners, and the pensioners urge for more revenue. The people grow less steady, spirited, and virtuous, the seekers more numerous and more corrupt, and every day increases the circles of their dependents and expectants, until virtue, integrity, public spirit, simplicity, and frugality become the objects of ridicule and scorn, and vanity, luxury, foppery, selfishness, meanness, and downright venality swallow up the whole of society. — John Adams […]

  20. Darleen Avatar

    Not ignorance, Simon, since I read it —

    Because it has worked before in Germany against the Jews.

    that is a morally disgusting sentence that overshadows any credibility of the preceding points.

    and it points out a parade of ignorance of Shoah so enormous as to make one pause in horrified wonder.

  21. Simon Avatar


    The point is not the Jews. The point is how you create a police state in a civilized nation.

    In that respect dopers are pawns just as Jews were pawns.

  22. Daniel Taylor Avatar
    Daniel Taylor

    Just for the record, not being a Republican does not automatically make one a Democrat, any more than not being a knife automatically makes one a spoon.

    I am not a Republican.
    I am also not a Democrat.

    Both of those parties are dangerous in their own ways, and it is a challenge to find members of either that aren’t out to take away your rights in one area or another.