You Can’t Talk About It

A lady who is the flack for a gun blog asked me to mention her blog and send them some traffic. I said I’d be glad to. “Send me a link to a post where one of your writers makes the connection between Drug Prohibition and the War On Guns and I’ll do a post on it,” I said. It has been a couple of weeks. I’m still waiting.

And then this morning I’m reading a bit on corruption in America (I already blogged it at The Corruption Of America) and what do you know? The biggest corruption going on – narco corruption – is not even mentioned by the author, Porter Stansberry. Mr. Stansberry goes on at length about the dysfunctions of the inner city and yet fails to mention Drug Prohibition even once.

When society is so out of joint that the very biggest and totally obvious issues cannot even be mentioned – we are in a very sick place.



