Optimism, Pessimism

Tyler Cowen and Bryan Caplan share lists.  Very interesting.  As for myself,  I am a pessimist regarding my willingness to compile such a list.






2 responses to “Optimism, Pessimism”

  1. joshua Avatar

    Interesting indeed. I think one can be both generally optimistic about economic progress but generally pessimistic about political/cultural regress, without concluding definitively one way or the other. I also generally know that my optimisms and pessimisms come from my own biases, some of which have been proven wrong already, and may be proven wrong again in the future. (I thought the 2008-09 stock crash was predicted by pure libertarian philosophy and that such philosophy also meant it would never recover).

  2. Eric Avatar

    Wonderful posts both. I wish more people could detach that way, but I am a realist.