Search results for: “Americans For safe access”

  • Oil Outlook

    This is a really long piece by A. Jacksonian. He wrote this as a series of e-mail exchanges with me and I edited it making some minor corrections which A. Jacksonian has approved. It covers the outlook for oil production for the next 5 to 10 years. The short version: Iran and Venezuela will probably…

  • When “outing” isn’t enough

    it is hard to deny the sweet, sweet justice of Republicans being politically damaged by a lurid sex scandal in Washington. — Glenn Greenwald. Yeah, and it’s also hard to deny the irresistible nature of the Foley “pedophile sex scandal.” Were I working for Bob Casey, I’d advise him to scour the record for every…

  • Getting tough with the sudafedayeen, Part II

    I’m feeling safer already. The Patriot Act has just passed overwhelmingly, which means that all patriotic Americans will now have to show ID in order to buy cold medicine: The U.S. Senate voted 89-10 to reauthorize the USA Patriot Act today and the bill includes provisions, co-authored by California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, that will put…

  • Road to surfserfdom on the refeudalized Internet?

    Having read through Al Gore’s incredibly long tirade (yes, 4,649 words is long), I’m struck by his indictment of television and radio for ruining America’s tradition of freedom of speech, and his glorification of the printed word. I’m not about to fisk his entire speech, as I wouldn’t want to inflict that on readers, and…

  • Comments

    Here are the comments from “Another Tragedy Of Higher Education”. I’ve edited (a bit) for continuity and brevity. An extended response to these arguments is available here… ———————————————————————- Well, aren’t we feeling a little smoldering resentment today? What, did poor Justin get personally snubbed by Kass? And we can’t touch Kass personally because he couldn’t…

  • What’s wrong with OUR unruined ruins?

    I’ve been reading about all these Americans who suffer from an unmedicated condition called “Omnipotent Tourist Syndrome (aka “OTS”), who are fond of going to other countries and marveling over stuff like crumbling buildings. (Via InstaPundit.) I’m a morbid person. Really, I am. And at the risk of sounding sympathetic with the PC tourist crowd,…

  • Merry Earth Day Mr. Kunstler

    Well, Earth Day has come and gone. I suppose some sort of ecologically relevant sermon is in order, and I may actually have just the ticket. I?ve been idly musing about the impending Peak Oil crisis, a crisis that may eventuate this year, or fifteen years from now, or perhaps never. I won?t deny that…

  • Rifkin Redux

    Hello all. Back with another episode of the wit and wisdom of Jeremy Rifkin. Before I begin though, perhaps I should address a question Eric raised. Who the hell is Jeremy Rifkin and why should you care? To be honest, I’ve been following his career so long, I had forgotten that he might lack the…

  • Traditional ways of getting ahead

    What do you do if you are surrounded on all sides by people who want to civilize you, and convert you and your people to their way of life? Head for the hills? Long, long ago, a tribe of people (generally considered to be of Mongolian stock) did just that, settling in the remote Naga…

  • A Deadly Silence Arthur

    A Deadly Silence Arthur Silber has taken on war advocates for not acknowledging the human costs of the policies they advocate: I find it reprehensible that these people seemingly addicted to war cannot even take a few minutes to acknowledge the terrible costs incurred by those people their policies have placed in harm’s way —…