Author: Eric Scheie

  • Drug Derangement Syndrome coming from the top

    So now Trump is calling for the death penalty as a way of solving the war on drugs. MOON TOWNSHIP, Pa. – President Donald Trump on Saturday again called for enacting the death penalty for drug dealers during a rally meant to bolster a struggling GOP candidate for a U.S. House seat here. During the…

  • As sure as sunrise tomorrow, they will blame the guns

    While I know it’s getting to be a broken record, I feel the need to repeat a brilliant insight from William S. Burroughs: After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it. How true. And how they must love psychopathic nitwits like Nikolas Cruz.

  • Me too busy!

    Question. Whatever happened to sexual freedom? I don’t often agree with Bill Maher, but it seems he’s all but alone in the MSM, and frankly I’m surprised he’s still allowed on the air. There are a few very brave women whose voices have been drowned out by a gigantic chorus of sexual repression, but almost everyone else is…

  • Happy New Year!

  • Merry Christmas!

  • Cleaning up after asses

    Perhaps my logic isn’t as good as it should be, but I’m having a bit of trouble understanding something, so I decided to share it here in the hope of summoning the collective mental processing power of the commenters. In a local Ann Arbor park which is frequented by dog owners, someone — most likely…

  • Fake wars help real wars

    With the train derailment pushed to the back burner, much is being made on Fox News of “the secret backstory” of how Obama helped Hezbollah. Naturally, the DEA drug warriors are being spun as patriotic heroes: The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, was launched in 2008 after the Drug Enforcement Administration amassed evidence that Hezbollah had…

  • Train derailment is easy!

    Too easy.  Any blacksmith, welder, or tinkerer could easily make one of these: Terrorists are being taught how to do it. This is not to say that this is what happened in Washington earlier today, but I see no easy way to prevent it from happening.

  • Unwanted resuscitation?

    Enjoying my death? Not quite yet. Although, the thought had crossed my mind in the context of Roy Moore… I have to say that no one else could have gotten me off my ass to write an actual blog post — much less three… So perhaps I should thank the son of a bitch. As an…

  • A lose-lose no matter what?

    If Roy Moore wins tonight (which I think he will), Trump loses. And, if Roy Moore loses, Trump also loses. That’s the price of deliberately shackling himself to such a nutcase. UPDATE: Wow. Much as I hate to say it, I think congratulations — of a perverse sort, obviously — are in order for Roy…

  • Moore fun?

    From Reason: I might find this funny if I didn’t think the man will be elected on Tuesday. UPDATE: While few people know it, there is a libertarian alternative to Moore and Jones: Republicans are frantically looking for a write-in candidate. They don’t need to bother. Libertarian Ron Bishop is already a write-in candidate, excluded…

  • The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away

    If you try to be a good little citizen and comply with what the Law requires, you could find yourself royally screwed (pun intended unintentionally): Honolulu residents who legally complied with requirements that they enter themselves in both registries have received threatening letters signed by officials including Honolulu Police Chief Susan Ballard. These letters read, in…

  • Thanks to popular hysteria, a fringe loon will soon become a senator

    Roy Moore is going to win the election, not in spite of alleged sex scandals, but because of them. …the Democrats’ own sexual scandals have helped Moore. It’s not obvious they would. If the Democrats had condemned their own members promptly and forthrightly, when the evidence against them was compelling, then the party could stand…

  • “a crime against nature, an inherent evil, and an act so heinous that it defies one’s ability to describe it”

    That’s what Roy Moore thinks about consensual homosexual conduct. Normally, the nutcase views of such a ridiculous person would not matter. The problem is that this loon is running for the United States Senate, and he might very well be elected. I hardly ever blog anymore, but not long ago I raised myself out of…

  • Not with my nerve endings you don’t!

    Photo taken yesterday.

  • Halloween Seventeen!

    Can you feel my pain? Perhaps I should have listened to the Grateful Dead. I don’t know. But at least it’s not yet time for me to turn into a pumpkin! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

  • Facing the slogans

    I keep seeing simplistic slogans on multicolored signs in a lot of yards, and because I think some of them are a bit sanctimonious (maybe even a bit manipulative) it struck me that a few pictures might be in order. What human could possibly be illegal? And what love could possibly not be love? What could be…

  • Bigotry is alive and well

    Back in 2002, I started this libertarian-oriented blog in what I naively thought might be a way to counter bigotry, especially anti-gay religious bigotry emanating from  social conservatives on the right. I’ve gotten tired of blogging, but the election of religious bigot extraordinaire Roy Moore is enough to awaken me from the grave — at least to…

  • 16 years


  • Birth is a death sentence

    Even though I might have just “thought” it, a basic Google search reveals that there is nothing original about that sentiment. In fact, it’s all over the Internet. Still, it saddens me to see people die, even when they are people I don’t especially like. Familiarity breeds contempt, and I am so familiar with death…