Search results for: “Ayers Dohrn”

  • More on the respectable Mr. Ayers

    In a riveting interview piece titled “Eyewitness to the Ayers Revolution,”Bob Owens has more on the incredible story of the plan (by Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and others) to kill 25 million Americans: Pajamas Media: You stated in your interview in No Place to Hide that you wanted us to “imagine sitting in a room…

  • Ayers didn’t do enough

    I’ve written a number of posts about Bill Ayers, and I was especially horrified by his organization’s plot to blow up American soldiers at the Fort Dix NCO club. And while I know that terrorists are generally unconcerned with civilian casualties, still, I had not read about Ayers’ role in an attempted Detroit police station…

  • How Bill Ayers became respectable

    If there’s one thing that’s worse than Bill Ayers, it’s his respectability. How did it happen that a guy like that came to be respectable? The same way bad people always become respectable, of course. Nice respectable people fail to speak up. By “nice” I mean the very people I referred to in this post;…

  • Bill Ayers’ better (and successful!) half

    I don’t normally correct historical details in stuff I read, but in this case I thought I should, because it sheds a little light on the truly horrid background of one of Barack Obama’s political sponsors who hasn’t been getting enough attention. I refer to Bernardine Dohrn, a notorious and unrepentant terrorist I have called…

  • Mainstreaming the despicable

    As I have been saying, there’s a bigger problem than Bill Ayers’ unrepentant terrorism and his present day radicalism, and that is his mainstream respectability. For. The. Umpteenth. Time. Bill Ayers should not be respectable or mainstream. For some reason, that issue is seen as irrelevant or nonexistent, and the Ayers issue is spun alternately…

  • Jokes that bomb

    Former Weather Underground leader Bill Ayers (recently in the news for his Obama connections) has a “funny” sense of humor, and apparently no regrets about setting bombs: ”I don’t regret setting bombs,” Bill Ayers said. ”I feel we didn’t do enough.” Mr. Ayers, who spent the 1970’s as a fugitive in the Weather Underground, was…

  • If they can SWAT free speech, our freedom is gone

    Until a few days ago (when my computer was having some downtime and I was blogging erratically), I had never heard of Brett Kimberlin. (Just what he and the powers that be at Wikipedia want.) I have now read more about him than I care to read, and not only do I have a creepy…

  • He Helped Write A Book

    It seems some one helped Mr. Obama write Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. Christopher Andersen in Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage says it was American terrorist Bill Ayres. Ron Radosh had this to say about it. Obama had not as yet written anything. But he had taped…

  • Meanwhile in Ann Arbor….

    The things I miss, being here in Berkeley! Back in Ann Arbor, terrorism has been redefined — by two experts on the subject. I refer to Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn — who were promoting their new book to a standing room only crowd at the University of Michigan: …when their talk at the University…

  • Our news is not your news!

    I was all set to write a post about the LA Times withholding the video of Rashid Khalidi’s farewell party (which featured the Ayerses and the Obamas among other luminaries), when I saw that WorldNetDaily has stepped right up to the moral equivalency plate with a story about McCain giving Khalidi (or at least some…

  • Ideological heirs

    During the discussion of Ayers’ and the Weather Underground’s genocidal plan to murder 25 million Americans, it occurred to me that focusing on tactics (like terrorism and murder) tends to sideline the murderous ideology that drives them. In what I think is an attempt to frame the debate away from ideology, typical “fact check” discussions…

  • “ex” bombers and double standards

    Jeff Jacoby takes issue with the claim that calling attention to Barack Obama’s close working relationship with Bill Ayers constitutes unfair guilt by association: …Obama’s defenders have been insisting that to call attention to these deplorable associations is to engage in ridiculous and unfair “guilt by association.” But it isn’t ridiculous to question the values…

  • “note the plural noun”

    So snarks Frank Rich triumphantly, in what he obviously feels is a summary “refutation” of Sarah Palin’s remark about Barack Obama “palling around with terrorists.” (Also characterized by Rich as a “violent escalation in rhetoric.”) While I can understand why some people might dispute the tense and meaning of “palling around,” what’s the problem with…

  • Time to replay a golden oldie

    This campaign has gone on so long I’m already getting nostalgic. No, seriously, I was just thinking back. Only six months back, but it seems like an eternity. Anyway it occurred to me that if Hillary Clinton could bring up Ayers like this in April, then why not John McCain in October?

  • So why bother with the debate?

    The election is over, says Howard Wolfson. It’s over because the economy is more important than Bill Ayers, and therefore, what Wolfson calls “swiftboat tactics” won’t work. While I often wish the election were over so I could blog about other things, Wolfson’s simplistic dichotomy rests on two major assumptions: 1. that the current economic…

  • Barney Frank Frankly Not Frank

    The Boston Globe, normally a reliable liberal paper, says that Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank (D – Corruption) has a lot to do with the mortgage crisis. It opens with a quote from Cong. Frank ‘The private sector got us into this mess. The government has to get us out of it.” That’s Barney Frank’s story,…

  • Helping to bring about “change”?

    Is education still an issue? Anyone who thinks it is, or who wants to learn more about Barack Obama’s background in the field should read “Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools“: Despite having authored two autobiographies, Barack Obama has never written about his most important executive experience. From 1995 to 1999, he led an…

  • “Why would Barack Obama be friends with someone who bombed the Capitol and is proud of it?”

    Asking such a question can apparently lead to legal trouble. Amazingly (and stupidly, IMO), Barack Obama’s campaign is taking legal action against a group which produced a video asking that question. The video (claims the campaign) is malicious and false. “Barack Obama is friends with Ayers, defending him as, quote, ‘Respectable’ and ‘Mainstream,’” the group’s…

  • Some things can’t be vacuumed

    The Chicago Annenberg Challenge Ayer/Obama affair (discussed infra) is finally receiving national attention. More here and here. (Via Glenn Reynolds.) While Glenn thinks the files have probably been “vacuumed of any seriously embarrassing matter,” I think it’s an embarrassment that a candidate for national office worked closely for years with an unrepentant terrorist. Let me…

  • Racist Videos — watch at your own risk!

    Yesterday I wrote a long post about Barack Obama’s long relationship with Bill Ayers. What did not occur to me was that my criticism of Bill Ayers might very well be interpreted as racist. That’s because my criticism of Ayers is necessarily criticism of Obama, and all criticism of Obama is racist: In his color-coded…