Search results for: “Americans For safe access”

  • On “perverted” liars who are “knowing accessories to murder”

    New Yorker columnist Adam Gopnik is a staunch gun control advocate who not only claims gun control will work, but blames those who disagree with him (gun owners and presumably all Americans who oppose gun control) for the shooting in Connecticut. He accuses people like me of belonging to the “child-killing lobby,” and of being…

  • Is it safe?

    A write-up on safes (ostensibly a discussion of the fact that many Americans prefer to store their wealth at home as opposed to banks) reminded me of the tension between secrecy and security. Safes — even high quality safes — are not necessarily good hiding places. If a safe is found, it would become the logical…

  • The Jews Behind Ending Marijuana Prohibition

    Jews are not the major force behind ending Marijuana Prohibition. But they are a significant force. I made a number of comments to this effect at my post Questions. I thought it might be a good idea (well it is something to write about) to turn them into a post. Eric also has a good…

  • Politicians Are Deficient In Endocannabinoids

    Politicians lack brain plasticity. They hate novelty. Which is why we are stuck. You can find more videos on the subject at The Age of FLP’s is Approaching. An FLP is a Forward Looking Person. A BLP is a Backwards Looking Person. Science Daily has an article on the subject: Political Views Are Reflected in…

  • The Darkies At Play

    I have been doing more thinking about the article in the local paper about the 4:20 meeting of the local chapter of NORML/Americans For Safe Access recounted at Cannabis talk here will lighten up sooner or later. The newspaper article galled me because I think that it perpetuates stoner stereotypes in its subtext. A stereotype…

  • A Death Sentence For Marijuana

    Michigan Medical Marijuana Patient Refused Placement In Prison Medical Facility Despite Judge’s Recommendation. Late last week, 53-year-old Michigan medical marijuana patient Jerry Duval received a Justice Department order to surrender to federal authorities on June 11thto begin serving a 10-year prison sentence at the Federal Correctional Institution in Elkton, Ohio. Although Duval is a kidney-pancreas…

  • Cannabis Nightmares

    This is a repost in whole without permission. I have advised the owner Kari Boiter so I may have to take it down later. ==== I spent the last three years working as an Executive Legislative Assistant to a ranking budget chair in the Washington State Legislature, so it should come as no surprise that…

  • Is It Medicine?

    I just got this press release in the mail. === The only way to completely protect patients, cultivators, and providers of medical cannabis from federal enforcement is by changing federal law. The Drug Enforcement Administration keeps raiding cultivators and providers, and the Department of Justice continues to intimidate patients, property owners, and lawmakers in several…

  • Can You Guess Which Party?

    From the tide is turning files. …John Dennis. The San Francisco Republican – a frequent attendee of Tea Party events who is waging a perhaps quixotic war to unseat most-powerful San Franciscan Nancy Pelosi, to whom he has referred as a “wicked witch” – made a campaign stop Sunday at the Cow Palace, where the…

  • AMA Sees The Light At The End Of The Joint

    I got a press release by e-mail this morning that is most interesting. It says marijuana is a drug. For real. The American Medical Association (AMA) voted today to reverse its long-held position that marijuana be retained as a Schedule I substance with no medical value. The AMA adopted a report drafted by the AMA…

  • Cannabis And Cancer Of The Brain

    Eric brought to my attention this news. Marijuana kills brain cancer, new study confirms. The active molecules in cannabis kill brain cancer — another study has revealed. Scientists using an extract of whole-plant marijuana rich in pot’s main psychoactive ingredient THC as well as cannabidiol (CBD) showed “dramatic reductions in tumor volumes” of a type…

  • DNA, PTSD, And Abused Children

    About 20% of the population have the genes for long term PTSD. About half those get enough trauma to initiate PTSD. Now correlation is not causation but it is suggestive. About 10% of the American population has PTSD. About 10% of the American population are chronic drug users. Alcohol, pot, heroin, cocaine, meth, etc. So…

  • Cheap Medical Insurance – $20,000

    I just stumbled across an article which says that ObamaCare will wreck the US economy. Under Obamacare, Americans will be required to buy health insurance or pay a penalty to the IRS. The IRS’s assumption that the cheapest plan for a family will cost $20,000 per year is found in examples the IRS gives to…

  • Seniors: Fastest Growing Marijuana Users Demographic

    Seniors are the fastest growing population segment when it comes to marijuana use. And not all of that use is medicinal. Statistics suggest that more members of the older generations, like Ms. Neufer, are using marijuana. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported in 2011 that 6.3 percent of adults between the ages…

  • Pew – Legalization Support 52 to 45

    There is a new Pew poll out showing national support for marijuana legalization at 52% vs 45% against. A majority of Americans support legalizing marijuana, a new poll indicates, with the change driven largely by a huge shift in how the baby boom generation feels about the drug of their youth. By 52% to 45%,…

  • Catholic Hospital – Fetuses Are Not People

    A woman seven months pregnant with twins dies in the hospital emergency room. This is America. There is a lawsuit. And here is where it gets interesting. Those rules have stirred controversy for decades, mainly for forbidding non-natural birth control and abortions. “Catholic health care ministry witnesses to the sanctity of life ‘from the moment…

  • Shouldn’t we be cracking down on nuts?

    I love peanuts, and peanut butter. However, between .04% and .06% of the humans in this country are allergic to the stuff. (2.3% are allergic to seafood, which I also love.) While I feel sorry for those who suffer from such an allergy, I was a bit puzzled by the angry reaction of parents to…

  • “without public discussion or the approval of Congress”

    While I wish we didn’t have to rely on the British press to give us our news, so often it seems that they are the only source for news that ought to be national. As to why the American news outlets shy away from stories like the one about the Predator drone used to spy…

  • Can we just bail out instead of bailing them out?

    I watched the GOP debate the other night, and it became quite clear that even among the supposedly warmongering Republicans, there is a strong undercurrent of war fatigue. While Ron Paul is the only member of the pack to reject the Iraq War out of hand, there is a feeling that the era of the…

  • Let’s counter myths with facts!

    If you are annoyed by being told what to do, you probably wouldn’t want to live in what the Public Policy people call “high density housing.” Environmentalists want people to live in high-density, high-rise housing, and they want them crammed into buses and street cars. This is of course to save the environment from what…