The Carnival of the Vanities has just turned TWO!
Quite appropriately, the celebration is hosted by Silflay Hraka, who on reflection opines:

So here we are, sitting in our pajamas, just one single yard further along than we were yesterday. But if you look back, our starting point has vanished into the distant haze.

I wasn’t even a blog embryo when it started, because I’m just over a year old. But the Carnival is bigger and better than ever, and I couldn’t begin to review the many fine posts. (Mine included, of course!)
So don’t miss it!






One response to “BIG BIRTHDAY PARTY!”

  1. Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato the Elder) the Lesbian-worshipping gun-loving selfish aesthete Avatar

    Pajamas (this is the American spelling apparently). Pyjamas (this British spelling). Jammies. PJ’s. Interesting….
    The name “Rather”, spelled in that funny way (I can’t do the superscript here) “Ra th er”. When I see those first two letters “Ra” or “RA”, I always think of the Egyptian Sun God.