I was gone all day and now I am aghast at the latest developments in the Rathergate Affair.
I’m still shaking my head. But let me see if I can get this right.

  • Here’s an excerpt from the obviously forged August 18, 1973 letter which in which Killian states that he’s being pressured by Staudt:

    Staudt has obviously pressured Hodges more about Bush. I’m having trouble running interference and doing my job. Harris gave me a message today from Grp regarding Bush’s OETR and Staudt is pushing to sugar coat it….

  • And now here’s today’s Seattle Times:

    AUSTIN, Texas ? The man named in a disputed memo as exerting pressure to “sugarcoat” George W. Bush’s military record left the Texas Air National Guard a year and a half before the memo supposedly was written, his service record shows.
    An order obtained by The Dallas Morning News shows that Col. Walter “Buck” Staudt was honorably discharged March 1, 1972. CBS News reported this week that a memo in which Staudt was described as interfering with officers’ negative evaluations of the future president’s service was dated Aug. 18, 1973.

  • Staudt wasn’t even in the Guard? When that is added to the obvious forgery, the whole affair takes on the ring of comedy. Not only couldn’t they find a typewriter from the early 70s, but they couldn’t even use names of people in the chain of command at the time!
    I know this is supposed to be a serious scandal but the underlying details are so incredibly badly scripted that it’s becoming as farcical as the antics of Third World kleptocracies. I’m almost reminded of some of Idi Amin’s antics, like the staged car crashes involving political enemies.
    Staudt, of course, won’t talk to anyone, and CBS is now lamely trying to claim that Staudt might have continued to try to issue commands after he retired!
    What’s next? Blaming Nixon? (I know they called Watergate a third rate burglary, but by comparison with this nonsense, Watergate was executed with flawless precision.)
    If CBS had any sense they’d fire Dan Rather right now and hand him over to the cops. Lord knows what he’ll do next…..
    MORE: To give Dan Rather the consideration he is due, I suggest this deadly serious interview. (Via Glenn Reynolds.)
    LINGERING QUESTION: Should Dan Rather resign or be impeached?






    2 responses to “Rather TO EARTH: “I AM NOT A CROOK!””

    1. Jeff G Avatar

      Hello, and thanks for the link. The permalink became corrupted for this post; the new link is http://www.celluloid-wisdom.com/pw/index.php?/weblog/entry/the_protein_wisdom_interview_dan_rathers_ego/
      Can you make that correction, please?
      Sorry, and thanks again —

    2. Eric Scheie Avatar

      Got it, Jeff. (I’d changed it because it didn’t work the first time, and I am having nothing but trouble with MT trackbacks!)
      Great interview (still laughing about Ted Kennedy)….
      And PLEASE — if you ever collect these in a book, I want to be one of the first buyers!